

這讓我們看到了那些經久不衰的髮型,那些具有標誌性的髮型,它們超越了潮流,繼續激勵著專業人士和愛好者。 今次《Vogue》邀請了一些世界頂級的髮型師和染髮師來說出他們歷年來的最愛髮型!

Jane Birkin

FRANCE - CIRCA 1960: Portrait of Jane Birkin, taken in the Sixties. (Photo by REPORTERS ASSOCIES/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images)
FRANCE - CIRCA 1960: Portrait of Jane Birkin, taken in the Sixties. (Photo by REPORTERS ASSOCIES/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images)

Jane Birkin是啟發了無數毫不費力的時尚和美容造型的女人,她是典型的法國女孩。George Northwood說:「她有一種永恆的氣質,是一種酷女孩的劉海,而我認為Alexa Chung是現代的Jane Birkin」。

Grace Jones

AUSTRALIA - JANUARY 01: Photo of Grace JONES (Photo by Bob King/Redferns)
AUSTRALIA - JANUARY 01: Photo of Grace JONES (Photo by Bob King/Redferns)

Nicola Clarke說:「Grace Jones在80年代的平頭造型中是一個冷靜、堅強的女人的縮影」,這種標誌性的髮型現在和當年一樣具有聲明意義。Charlotte Mensah也認為這種風格是她個人在Grace Jones的眾多先鋒造型中最喜歡的。 她說:「這個造型值得作為最好的造型之一被載入史冊,對我來說,這是Grace Jones擁有我們所有人都有的男性能量,但卻以最優雅、最女性化的方式」。她說:「頭髮的短小使她令人驚嘆的骨骼結構得以閃現」。

Linda Evangelista

Supermodel Linda Evangelista models an outfit from Italian design house Prada's ready-to-wear collection during the spring-summer 1992 fashion show in Milan. She is wearing a dress decorated with ruche. (Photo by julio donoso/Sygma via Getty Images)
Supermodel Linda Evangelista models an outfit from Italian design house Prada's ready-to-wear collection during the spring-summer 1992 fashion show in Milan. She is wearing a dress decorated with ruche. (Photo by julio donoso/Sygma via Getty Images)

Linda Evangelista是一個不懼怕在過去嘗試她的風格的人,當然,她也能瀟灑地完成每一個造型。 「Linda Evangelista曾經是、現在也是 –  queen of the crop」,Luke Hersheson說,而Clarke則稱她為「變色龍」,因為她隨手就能改變她的頭髮顏色。 (誰能忘記那個猩紅的精靈髮型呢?)「她是Clairol的代言人,僅在1991年和1996年之間就更換了17種不同的顏色」,Clarke補充道。

Louise Brooks

Portrait of actress Louise Brooks (1906-1985) wearing a one-shoulder dress, for Paramount Pictures, 1929. (Photo by Eugene Robert Richee/John Kobal Foundation/Getty Images)
Portrait of actress Louise Brooks (1906-1985) wearing a one-shoulder dress, for Paramount Pictures, 1929. (Photo by Eugene Robert Richee/John Kobal Foundation/Getty Images)

「自從Monsieur Antoine先生創造了第一個Bob頭以來,已經有100年了,Louise Brooks的圖形剪裁是那個時代最引人注目的一個,這種風格曾經被認為是大膽和危險的!」Alex Brownsell說。作為一個艷舞女郎和爵士時代的標誌,Louise Brooks的頭髮在當時是前衛的,並繼續成為一個方向性的,儘管現在被很多人模仿的髮型。


Brigitte Bardot

circa 1960: Studio portrait of actor and model Brigitte Bardot wearing a light blue off-the-shoulder dress. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
circa 1960: Studio portrait of actor and model Brigitte Bardot wearing a light blue off-the-shoulder dress. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Brigitte Bardot全盛時期的頭髮在2023年仍被經常提及,因為她是不折不扣的蜂巢女王,擁有令人羨慕的髮量。 「她的蜂窩狀頭髮創造了一個自然的面部提升,同時仍然保持頭髮看起來柔軟、性感和精緻」,Syd Hayes說。對Northwood來說,神奇之處在於Brigitte Bardot的「毫不費力的時髦」而成的劉海。

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe

她不僅是有史以來最受尊敬的銀幕女神之一,而且瑪麗蓮夢露的頭髮也是一眼就能認出的,這不正是一個標誌性髮型的真正定義嗎?「這是一個分層的短髮,是用一個舊式的滾筒創造的。它意味著捲髮和彈力的移動是如此的漂亮」,Larry King說。「類似的是Jackie Kennedy的風格,但在較深的頭髮上」。最終的金髮女郎,她以完美的波浪襯託了那張令人難忘的臉。

Angela Davis

American revolutionary and educator Angela Davis sits with her head on her hand, shortly after she was fired from her post as philosophy professor at UCLA due to her membership of the Communist Party of America, 27th November 1969. Davis followed up her brilliant early academic career by joining the Black Panthers and being listed on the FBI Most Wanted list. She was acquitted of all charges and continues to be a writer, educator, and activist for race, class, and gender equality. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

「當一個人體現他們自然的、上帝賜予的頭髮時,會發生一些特別的事情」,Mensah談到美國活動家Angela Davis的頭髮時說。「當然,如果不談Angela Davis,就不可能有關於黑人的談話。她那光榮的、桀驁不馴的、自然的頭髮是不可思議的」。Alex Brownsel還認為她的頭髮是今天許多名人和天橋造型的靈感來源,影響了從Solange Knowles到Gucci、Celine和Marc Jacobs等品牌。

Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts in a scene from the film 'Pretty Woman', 1990. (Photo by Buena Vista/Getty Images)
Julia Roberts in a scene from the film 'Pretty Woman', 1990. (Photo by Buena Vista/Getty Images)

緊緻的捲髮是現在的流行趨勢,還有什麼比90年代的Julia Roberts成更好的海報女孩? 「《Pretty Woman》中的那些捲髮!」Larry King感嘆道。 「在那時,所有的事情都是關於燙髮和增強你的自然捲髮,像這樣的頭髮在今天仍然是那麼好。Whitney Houston也是一個很好的例子,她的捲髮堆成一個高高的馬尾辮」。

Cicely Tyson

CIRCA 1973: Actress Cicely Tyson poses for a portrait wearing a cornrow hairstyle in circa 1973. (Photo by Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images)
CIRCA 1973: Actress Cicely Tyson poses for a portrait wearing a cornrow hairstyle in circa 1973. (Photo by Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images)

「幾個世紀以來,Canerows的作用非常大,不僅僅是時尚和保護頭髮」,Mensah說。「70年代帶來了新一輪對紋理頭髮的慶祝。正是在這個時代,女演員Cicely Tyson在雜誌封面上紮起了辮子,她是第一個這樣做的黑人婦女」。

Farrah Fawcett

Mainly recognized for her role on Charlie's Angels, actress and model Farrah Fawcett smiles for the camera.
Mainly recognized for her role on Charlie's Angels, actress and model Farrah Fawcett smiles for the camera.

我們現在對窗簾式劉海和羽毛狀紋理的痴迷很大程度上要歸功於Farrah Fawcett,她的「翅膀」(那種豐滿的劉海)是70年代的最愛。「她的羽毛狀頭髮有質感、豐盈和流動」,Frédéric Fekkai說。「20世紀70年代的迪斯科女郎和IT女郎們都喜歡這種長髮髮型,側邊的劉海和碎髮。今天,它仍然是髮型店中的一個流行髮型,因為它毫不費力,而且是一個容易增加頭髮厚度和光澤的風格」。

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