傳 Elon Musk 會給員工兩天考慮是否要留下為「硬核」Twitter 效力

Twitter owner Elon Musk is seen with a Twitter logo in this photo illustration in Warsaw, Poland on 21 September, 2022. Twitter management has announced the introduction of a new verification label to replace the blue check previously given only to verified accounts. As the director of the service, Esther Crawford explains, unlike the blue symbol this one will be gray and it will be free. Twitter management has announced the introduction of a new verification label to replace the blue check previously given only to verified accounts. As the director of the service, Esther Crawford explains, unlike the blue symbol this one will be gray and it will be free. Verified accounts will now have an 'Official' badge under their username, along with a gray verification tag. All previously verified accounts will receive the 'official' check mark which will not be available for purchase and not everyone will be eligible. (Photo by STR/NurPhoto)

Twitter 的人員調整似乎還沒徹底結束... 據華盛頓郵報報導,繼開除了嗆聲自己的工程師後,Elon Musk 日前又給公司剩下的員工下了最後通牒,希望確定其日後是否願意為「極其硬核」的新 Twitter 效力。「如果你確定想成為全新 Twitter 的一部分,那就請在下面的連結裡點擊同意。」Musk 在內部電郵中如此寫道。那麼「極其硬核」的 Twitter 到底是什麼樣的?報導並未給出深入的細節。但顯然 Musk 提到了「長時間的高強度工作」,而且在他眼中「只有卓越的表現才能達到合格的成績」。

目前尚不清楚 Musk 提出的要求在某些地區是否合法,但無論如何,郵件裡寫到所有在美國東部時間 11 月 17 日下午 5 點前沒有同意的人將遭到解僱,並會獲得三個月份的遣散費。