法國大罷工無清潔工當值 巴黎街頭堆滿垃圾 馬克龍利用憲法權力硬推退休改革

PARIS, FRANCE - MARCH 14: Piled up rubbish bags are left on the street in front of to Eiffel Tower, during the garbage collectors' strike on March 14, 2023 in Paris, France. On the ninth day of the garbage collectors' strike against the pension reform, garbage cans are piling up in Paris, dozens of filled garbage bags are piled up in the middle of the street. On tuesday, the town hall of Paris counted more than 5,600 tons of uncollected waste.  (Photo by Edward Berthelot/Getty Images)
(Photo by Edward Berthelot/Getty Images)

法國政府近期推動退休制度改革法案,包括將養老金領取年齡由 62 歲提高到 64 歲,議案早前在參議院已經通過,但是由於執政聯盟在國民議會未有過半數控制權,總統馬克龍最後決定在內閣會議宣布援引憲法權力,強行通過法案。法國八大工會團體為了反對法案,多次發起全國罷工和集會遊行活動,其中垃圾收集工人罷工超過 10 日,巴黎街頭堆積大量垃圾,無人清理,市內多區堆積的垃圾數量估計超過 7,000 噸。


及後,數千名民眾聚集在巴黎市中心的協和廣場抗議,警方在晚上發射催淚彈和水炮驅散示威者,有示威者掟石還擊。《費加羅報》報道,警方在巴黎拘捕了 120 人,亦有一名警察在應對示威期間受傷。《法新社》報道,巴黎有示威者在警方驅散行動後,轉到小巷的商店縱火破壞。而在南部城市馬賽,有商店遭到搶掠,里昂亦有示威者和警方衝突。

PARIS, FRANCE - March 16: Protesters set fire as clashes take place with riot police during a demonstration against French government's plan to raise the legal retirement age in Paris, on March 16, 2023. (Photo by Firas Abdullah/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
(Photo by Firas Abdullah/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE - March 16: Clashes take place  during a demonstration against French government's plan to raise the legal retirement age in Paris, on March 16, 2023. (Photo by Firas Abdullah/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
(Photo by Firas Abdullah/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
PARIS, FRANCE - March 16: Clashes take place  during a demonstration against French government's plan to raise the legal retirement age in Paris, on March 16, 2023. (Photo by Firas Abdullah/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
(Photo by Firas Abdullah/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

根據馬克龍的退休改革法案,最低一般退休年齡將會由 62 歲提高到 64 歲,部分公務員的福利遭到削減,而且亦提高獲得全額養老金的工作年數。政府指,改革是為了避免政府出現巨額赤字,不過有工會表示,今次改革是懲罰從事體力工作的低收入人士,他們被迫延長工作年期。有民意調查顯示,多達 2/3 的法國民眾反對今次退休改革法案。