立法會取消特首餞別午宴 稱憂疫情擴散且近日有議員染疫

HONG KONG, CHINA - NOVEMBER 26: Pedestrians walk past the Legislative Council building on November 26, 2021 in Hong Kong, China. Hong Kong is set to hold its Legislative Council election on December 19, the first citywide poll since Beijing revamped the electoral system to ensure only “patriots” hold political power, the South China Morning Post reported. (Photo by Louise Delmotte/Getty Images)
(Photo by Louise Delmotte/Getty Images)

多間傳媒引述消息報道,立法會秘書處通知各位議員,指因為本港疫情反彈,與立法會相關的確診個案又有增加趨勢,在立法會綜合大樓內舉行大型聚會,難免增加疫情擴散風險,因此立法會主席與行政長官辦公室商討後,決定取消 6 月 21 日舉行的特首餞別午宴。