英女王駕崩丨多圖回顧英女王一生 曾參與二戰、兩度訪港




伊利沙伯公主自小愛與哥基為伴,曾飼養超過30隻哥基。(圖:Lisa Sheridan/Studio Lisa/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)



左起為伊利沙伯王后、伊利沙伯公主、瑪麗王太后、瑪嘉烈公主及國王喬治六世。在國王喬治六世加冕當日,伊利沙伯公主亦戴上了小王冠。(圖:Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)


在戰爭期間,伊利沙伯公主與妹妹瑪嘉烈公主曾到蘇格蘭巴摩盧城堡(Balmoral Castle)、皇家莊園(Royal Lodge)及温莎城堡避開戰火。在1944年,18歲的伊利沙伯公主加入「國內婦女支援部隊」(Women's Auxiliary Territorial Service),並接受汽車修理訓練。

伊利沙伯公主正在學校更換車軚。(圖:Roger Viollet via Getty Images)
Princess Elizabeth (now Queen Elizabeth II) driving an ambulance during her wartime service in the A.T.S. (Auxiliary Territorial Service), 10th April 1945. (Photo by Bryn Colton/Getty Images)
伊利沙伯公主在戰時駕駛救護車。(圖:Bryn Colton/Getty Images)
(Original Caption) 5/16/1945-London, England: From the balcony of Buckingham Palace the Royal Family acknowledges the cheers of the throgs who gathered there on V-E day. Left to right are Princess Elizabeth, Queen Elizabeth, King George and Princess Margaret Rose.
在歐洲戰場勝利日(V-E day.),英國首相邱吉爾宣佈二戰歐洲戰場戰爭結束,英國皇室在白金漢宮陽台向國民揮手。



1947:  King George VI (1895- 1952) and Queen Elizabeth with Princesses, Margaret Rose (1930 - 2002) (right) and Elizabeth during a Royal tour of South Africa.  (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
伊利沙伯公主與瑪嘉烈公主跟隨父母外訪,伊利沙伯公主首次外訪的目的地是南非,旅程長達三個月。(圖:Hulton Archive/Getty )


伊利沙伯公主與愛丁堡公爵的婚姻長達73年,英女王曾表示自己在13歲時就愛上了愛丁堡公爵,後來亦曾於二人慶祝金婚時,指夫君為她的「力量與支柱(strength and stay)」。

11th July 1947:  Princess Elizabeth and Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten outside Buckingham Palace after announcing their engagement publicly.  (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
1947年7月11日,伊利沙伯公主和菲利普·蒙巴頓上尉在白金漢宮宣布二人訂婚的消息。 (圖:Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
Princess Elizabeth, later Queen Elizabeth II with her husband Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh, on their wedding day, 20th November 1947. (Photo by © Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images)
英國廣播公司(BBC)向2億人轉播伊利沙伯公主和愛丁堡公爵的婚禮,二人婚後居住在克拉倫斯府(Clarence House)。(圖:© Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images)



Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh on the day of their coronation, Buckingham Palace, 1953. (Colorised black and white print). Artist Unknown. (Photo by The Print Collector/Getty Images)
The Duke and Duchess of Windsor watch the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II on the television screen at the Paris home of Mrs. Margaret Biddle (right), the American millionairess   (Photo by PA Images via Getty Images)
英國廣播公司(BBC)轉播伊利沙伯二世的加冕典禮,是歷史上首次讓電視台現場轉播加冕典禮,吸引英國七成半人口收看。圖中為退位的溫莎公爵及其妻華麗絲·辛普森在巴黎觀看轉播。 (圖:PA Images via Getty Images)



(Original Caption) Ghana: Queen Elizabeth II makes her way underneath a large, gaily colored umbrella, to a dais to watch the Durbar of the Ashanti Chiefs, at Kumasi Sports Stadium.
伊利沙伯二世到訪前英國殖民地迦納,在庫馬西運動體育場(Kumasi Sports Stadium)觀看阿散蒂酋長的杜爾巴儀式(Durbar)。
Queen Elizabeth II visits the Town Hall in Sydney with Emmet McDermott (1911 - 2002), Lord Mayor of Sydney, during her tour of Australia, May 1970. She is there in connection with the bicentenary of Captain Cook's 1770 expedition to Australia. (Photo by Keystone/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
英女王在1970年的訪問澳洲和新西蘭之旅中,首次摒棄慣常在坐駕上向人群揮手的做法,改為在人群中步行走過,與人群拉近距離,後來這個做法更成為英女王與群眾見面時的慣常安排。(圖:Keystone/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
President John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jackie Kennedy pay a visit to the royal family in England. (L-R): John F. Kennedy; Queen Elizabeth II; Jackie Kennedy, and Prince Philip.
Queen Elizabeth II 'reviews' the ancient army of Terracotta Warriors which keeps symbolic guard over the tomb of the first Qin emperor.   (Photo by Ron Bell/PA Images via Getty Images)
英女王於1986年訪華,會晤李先念等中國領導人,還參觀兵馬俑、北京長城、故官等古蹟。(圖:Ron Bell/PA Images via Getty Images)
LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - MAY 28:  Historic Meeting Pope John Paul II, Head Of The Catholic Church,  Visiting The Queen, Head Of The Church Of England,  At Buckingham Palace (exact Day Date Not Certain)  (Photo by Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images)
若望保祿二世於1982次的首次訪英甚具歷史意義,是次到訪是450年來首位教宗到訪英國,象徵聖座與英國間的聯繫。(圖:Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images)
PA Library filer dated 24.11.83 : Queen Elizabeth II of Britain, during a visit to India for the opening of the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting, presents the Insignia of the Honorary Order of Merit to Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Mother Teresa, the Nobel Peace prize winner who founded an order of nuns dedicated to the downtrodden, has died, her Sister of Charity order said tonight in Rome. She was 87. See PA Story DEATH Teresa. Photo by Ron Bell/PA.   (Photo by Ron Bell - PA Images/PA Images via Getty Images)
英女王1983年出訪印度期間,向德蘭修女頒發功績勳章。(圖:Ron Bell - PA Images/PA Images via Getty Images)



Queen Elizabeth II during a visit to Hong Kong, May 1975. (Photo by Fox Photos/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
英女王到訪當時剛落成的愛民邨。(圖:Fox Photos/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Queen Elizabeth II visits Hong Kong, 21st October 1986. (Photo by John Shelley Collection/Avalon/Getty Images)
英女王在中環大會堂外檢閱駐港英軍,隨後到和平紀念碑獻花獻花。(圖:John Shelley Collection/Avalon/Getty Images)
Queen Elizabeth II visits Hong Kong, Sha Tin Racecourse, 21st October 1986. (Photo by John Shelley Collection/Avalon/Getty Images)
圖為英女王在第二次訪港期間到訪沙田馬場,為勝出的騎練馬主頒獎。(圖:John Shelley Collection/Avalon/Getty Images)
Queen Elizabeth II meets elderly wellwishers on Holgates Green in Hugh Town St Mary's Island in the Isles of Scilly during her visit today.   (Photo by Tim Ireland/PA Images via Getty Images)
英女王與菲臘親王在2011年出訪愛爾蘭,行程中向愛爾蘭獨立紀念碑敬獻花圈。作為百年來首位到訪愛爾蘭的英國君主,此舉大大拉近了兩國的關係。(圖:Tim Ireland/PA Images via Getty Images)




Queen Elizabeth II and The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh with their two young children, Princess Anne and Prince Charles outside Balmoral Castle, 19th September 1952. (Photo by Studio Lisa/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
英女王每年8至9月也會到位於蘇格蘭的巴摩盧城堡(Balmoral Castle)避暑,圖為1952年英女王及菲臘親王帶同年幼的查理斯王子和安妮公主,於城堡前拍攝全家幅。(圖:Studio Lisa/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Queen Elizabeth II lunches with Prince Philip and their children Princess Anne and Prince Charles at Windsor Castle in Berkshire, circa 1969. A camera (left) is set up to film for Richard Cawston's BBC documentary 'Royal Family', which followed the Royal Family over a period of a year and was broadcast on 21st June 1969. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
1969年,英國廣播公司(BBC)跟隨王室成員約1年,紀錄英女王一家的日常生活,拍攝成為110分鐘的紀錄片《王室(Royal Family)》,估計全球有超過3.5億觀眾收看節目。(圖:Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
The royal family at Buckingham Palace, London, 1972. Left to right: Princess Anne, Prince Andrew, Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth, Prince Edward and Prince Charles. (Photo by Fox Photos/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)Elizabeth II
英女王一家在白金漢宮,左起為安妮公主、安德魯王子、菲臘親王、伊利沙伯二世、愛德華王子與查理斯王子。(圖:Fox Photos/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
The Prince and Princess of Wales pose on the balcony of Buckingham Palace on their wedding day, with the Queen and some of the bridesmaids, 29th July 1981.  (Photo by Terry Fincher/Princess Diana Archive/Getty Images)
查理斯王子與戴安娜王妃完成婚禮後,與英女王及花童站在白金漢宮的陽台上(圖:Terry Fincher/Princess Diana Archive/Getty Images)
UNITED KINGDOM - JUNE 14:  Queen With Prince William & Prince Henry At Polo  (Photo by Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images)
英女王與孫兒威廉王子和哈里王子觀看馬球比賽。(圖:Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images)
The public funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales, London, UK, 6th September 1997, Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Tributes to the late Princess from the public, 6th September 1997. (Photo by John Shelley Collection/Avalon/Getty Images)
戴安娜1997年因車禍逝世,英國民眾在白金漢宮前放上鮮花致哀。英女王一開始態度強硬,後來才聽從幕僚建議,讓白金漢宮下半旗,以及親自發表講話,安撫國民。(圖:John Shelley Collection/Avalon/Getty Images)
<<enter caption here>> at The Royal Horseguards on June 9, 2018 in London, England.
安妮公主、碧翠絲公主、安德魯王子、英女王、梅根、威爾斯親王、哈里王子、劍橋公爵夫人、威廉王子等王室成員,在白金漢宮觀賞軍旗敬禮分列式(Trooping the Colour)。
WINDSOR, ENGLAND - APRIL 17: Queen Elizabeth II watches as pallbearers carry the coffin of Prince Philip, Duke Of Edinburgh into St George’s Chapel by the pallbearers during the funeral of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh at Windsor Castle on April 17, 2021 in Windsor, United Kingdom. Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark was born 10 June 1921, in Greece. He served in the British Royal Navy and fought in WWII. He married the then Princess Elizabeth on 20 November 1947 and was created Duke of Edinburgh, Earl of Merioneth, and Baron Greenwich by King VI. He served as Prince Consort to Queen Elizabeth II until his death on April 9 2021, months short of his 100th birthday. His funeral takes place today at Windsor Castle with only 30 guests invited due to Coronavirus pandemic restrictions. (Photo by Yui Mok-WPA Pool/Getty Images)
菲臘親王今年4月病逝,英女王出席在溫莎城堡聖喬治禮拜堂舉行的喪禮,面露哀傷。(圖:Yui Mok-WPA Pool/Getty Images)
