世上任期最長女總理 哈西娜逃離孟加拉官邸 19 次遇刺不死卻晚節不保|Yahoo

DHAKA, BANGLADESH - AUGUST 05: People gather around Prime Ministry Residence as they continue their demonstration for the abolition of the quota system in government jobs, on August 05, 2024 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The South Asian country has seen renewed protests, calling on the government to step down. Violent protests in July had earlier sought the abolition of the quota system in government jobs. Hundreds of people were killed and wounded during the protests since July, which first called for the abolition of quotas in government jobs and later the resignation of the Hasina, who had been in power since 2009. (Photo by Najmus Sakib/Anadolu via Getty Images)
大量民眾今日(5 日)包圍總理哈西娜的官邸,迫使哈西娜辭職逃亡。 (Photo by Najmus Sakib/Anadolu via Getty Images)

【Yahoo 新聞報道】持續約一個月的孟加拉示威浪潮峰迴路轉,總理哈西娜(Sheikh Hasina)今日(5 日)突然辭職逃亡。孟加拉人民竟月的抗爭,犧牲了至少 300 條生命。一個月前才訪問北京會見中國國家主席習近平的哈西娜,在任前後共 20 年,是世任期最長的女性政府領導人。 19 次遇刺不死的她,帶領孟加拉從麻繩生產國發展成亞太區增長最快的經濟體,最終卻因種種苛政被轟下台。


哈西娜上月(7 月)10 日才與習近平會面,而差不多同一時間,孟加拉爆發大規模和平示威。學生在首都達卡大學靜坐抗議,要求改革獨立戰爭退伍軍人子女可獲 30% 公務員配額的制度。和平示威卻換來武力鎮壓,示威者被親政府人士以棍棒、甚至槍械襲擊,警方其後亦出動催淚彈和警棍驅散全國各地的示威者。一名 25 歲大學生更在警方驅趕示威者時張開雙臂拒絕離開,被警方近距槍殺死亡。

示威者死亡人數不斷上升,死者包括記者和旁觀者。國際社會關注事態發展時,政府突然關閉互聯網。十日之內,200 名示威者被殺,數千人受傷,最少 2,500 人被拘捕,61,000 人被檢控。法庭其後頒佈命令,把退伍軍人子女公務員配額減至 5%,但示威未平息,抗爭者要求政府向死傷及被捕人士交代。

People are shouting slogans during a protest march outside the High Court building demanding justice for the victims arrested and killed in the recent countrywide violence in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on July 31, 2024. (Photo by Syed Mahamudur Rahman/NurPhoto via Getty Images)
大批示威者被捕後送上法庭受審,示威者上周三(31 日)在庭外抗議。 (Photo by Syed Mahamudur Rahman/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

事態至昨日(4 日)急轉直下,數十萬示威者要求哈西娜下台,他們表示,這場抗爭已不再關乎工作配額,而是為了下一代可以在孟加拉自由生活。一群製造商亦公開表態,表示支持示威者。示威者與親政府人士爆發嚴重衝突,再導致 94 人死亡,包括 14 名警察,把死亡總人數推高至 300。


有別於一個月來的情景,警方及軍隊在個別地點並無阻止示威。孟加拉陸軍參謀長 Waker-uz-Zaman 向軍官隱晦表示,孟加拉軍隊是人民信任的象徵,永遠都站在人民一方。至今日,政府已全面失守,民眾攻入哈西娜和內政部長的官邸,首都以外的警隊高層辦公室亦被縱火。

哈西娜大勢已去,宣佈辭職,即日乘坐直升機飛往印度。Waker-uz-Zaman 透過全國電視直播宣佈成立臨時政府,並向全國人民保證會帶來公道。

BARISHAL, BANGLADESH - AUGUST 05: Protestors continue their demonstration for the abolition of the quota system in government jobs, on August 05, 2024 in Barishal, Bangladesh. The South Asian country has seen renewed protests, calling on the government to step down. Violent protests in July had earlier sought the abolition of the quota system in government jobs. Hundreds of people were killed and wounded during the protests since July, which first called for the abolition of quotas in government jobs and later the resignation of the Hasina, who had been in power since 2009. (Photo by Niamul Rifat/Anadolu via Getty Images)
孟加拉最新一輪示威由針對公務員配額發展至要求哈西娜下台,促成哈西娜辭職逃亡。 (Photo by Niamul Rifat/Anadolu via Getty Images)

回顧哈西娜的傳奇事蹟,76 歲的她出身名門,其父親 Sheikh Mujibur Rahman 1971 年帶領孟加拉脫離巴基斯坦獨立,是孟加拉國父。1975 年,孟加拉軍隊發動政變,Rahman 慘遭滅門,哈西娜及其胞妹因為正身在歐洲而倖免於難。此後她在印度流亡,至 1981 年才回國,並且繼承亡領導政黨 Awami League。

哈西娜在 1996 年首次當選國家領導人,至 2001 年競逐連任落敗。至 2009 年,哈西娜東山再起,重新當選總理,履新後為孟加拉帶來突飛猛進的經濟成就。任內孟加拉的經濟增長超越印度,人均收入在十年內取得三倍增長,2,500 萬人脫離貧窮線。

Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of the People's Republic of Bangladesh at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, July 10, 2024.  (Photo by Ding Lin/Xinhua via Getty Images)
哈西娜一個月前才出訪北京,與中國國家主席習近平會面。 (Photo by Ding Lin/Xinhua via Getty Images)
BANGKOK, THAILAND - 2024/04/26: Bangladesh's prime minister Sheikh Hasina speaks to the media during a press conference at Government House. Bangladesh's prime minister Sheikh Hasina is on a six-day official visit to Thailand that aim to strengthen ties between the two nations. Sheikh Hasina is the first prime minister of Bangladesh who official visit Thailand since 2002. (Photo by Peerapon Boonyakiat/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)
哈西娜前後在任孟加拉總理 20 年,今年 1 月才連續第四度當選,圖為她今年 4 月在曼谷會見記者。 (Photo by Peerapon Boonyakiat/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)

今年 1 月才開始連續第四任期的她,在第二、三個任期內已引起爭議。輿論批評,孟加拉的經濟增長的代價,是民主人權的倒退,哈西娜任內對異見人士及傳媒實施威權管治。在 2014 及 2019 年兩次選舉中,美國及歐盟已譴責投票舞弊,包括早有選票的票箱和幽靈選民。

回看哈西娜的政治生涯,《時代雜誌》形容她是世上任期最長的女性國家領導人,戴卓爾夫人與甘地的勝選次數都不及她。哈西娜經歷過 19 次刺殺,似乎命不該絕,不過正如她接受訪問時說:「我有信心人民都支持我,他們是我的力量。」當被人民放棄時,政途也將走入末路。

參考資料:BBC TIME 國際特赦組織 法新社