

製作時間: 1小時以上
份量人數: 1-2人

梅花肉排Pork butt 1斤600g
番薯粉Sweet potato flour 1/2杯½ cup
【醃肉醬料】醬油Soy sauce 2湯匙2 tbsp
【醃肉醬料】米酒Rice wine 1湯匙1 tbsp
【醃肉醬料】糖Sugar 1茶匙1 tsp
【醃肉醬料】香油Sesame oil 1茶匙1 tsp
【醃肉醬料】大蒜Garlic 1瓣1 clove
【醃肉醬料】蛋黃Egg yolk .1個1 pc
【滷汁】薑片Ginger 2片2 slices
【滷汁】蔥Green onion 2根 2 pcs
【滷汁】蒜.Garlic 2瓣cloves
【滷汁】冰糖 Crystal sugar 1.5湯匙1.5 t
【滷汁】醬油Soy sauce 3湯匙 3 tbsp
【滷汁】米酒Rice wine 1.5杯 1.5 c
【滷汁】水Water 1.5杯1.5 Cu
【滷汁】白胡椒粉White pepper 少許powder
【滷汁】五香粉Five-spice 少許 powder

1 :

梅花肉排先敲鬆,再放入醃肉醬料,冷藏30分鐘。 Break meat fibre in pork with a meat hammer, cover with marinade, freeze for 30 minutes
2 :

兩面沾番薯粉,將多餘粉料拍掉。Thoroughly cover both sides with sweet potato flour, shake off excess flour.
3 :

等表面反潮濕潤後,放入已撲烘焙紙的烤盤上,以220度C(425度F)烤10-12分鐘。Wait till the flour absorbs water, place on a tray with baking paper, air fry at 220°C for 10 to 12 minutes.
4 :

薑片、蔥、大蒜、冰糖、醬油、米酒、水大火燒開。In a pot, add ginger, green onion, garlic, crystal sugar, soy sauce, rice wine and water, boil up with high heat
5 :

最後將烤酥的肉排加入滷汁中,以小火煮15-20分鐘即可。Add the cooked pork into the sauce, cook at low heat for 15 to 20 minutes
6 :

7 :

- 食譜來源 : https://cook1cook.com/recipe/51119
- 發掘更多美食 : https://cook1cook.com