牽連甚廣 Note 7回收停產或釀環保災難


基於安全理由, Samsung Galaxy Note 7 最終難逃全面回收及停產的命運,雖然基於安全考慮下,有關決定的確合情合理,但另一場災難可能正在醞釀當中。說的就是回收 Note 7 之後的部份拆解及棄置帶來的環保問題。

Note-7 - 複製
Note-7 - 複製

在 Note 7 接連發生事故後,除了要處理消費者信心及財政問題之外,回收後的處理工序或有可能帶來環保問題。受目前的手機回收技術發展所限,包括鈷、銦在內的許多元素其實都沒有辦法循環利用,而在 Samsung 早前的承諾底下,所有的 Note 7 及部件亦不會重新上市及使用,大量電子廢料會被棄置大概已成事實,相信會被環保人士關注及評擊。

Discarded "mother boards" from old computers wait to be processed and stripped of the metal they contain at a junk yard in Guiyu. Much of modern electronic equipment contains toxic ingredients and as much as 4,000 tonnes of toxic e-waste is discarded every hour. Vast amounts are routinely and often illegally shipped as waste from Europe, USA and Japan to countries in Asia as it is easier and cheaper to dump the problem on poorer countries with lower environmental standards. Workers involved in dismantling e-waste are exposed to serious, environmental problems, danger and health hazards. © Natalie Behring/Greenpeace EDITORIAL USE ONLY.  NO ARCHIVING. NO RESALE. NO AFTER MARKET OR THIRD PARTY SALES. OK FOR ONLINE REPRO.

跟據外媒報道,今次事件已令 Samsung 損失達23.4億美元,而對公司本身的市值及其他無形資產如消費者對未來產品的信心、其他品牌的客源吸納亦難以評估,如果在環保問題上無法妥善處理,無疑對 Samsung 未來帶來重大的挑戰。

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