【秋冬穿搭】歷久常新的經典Trench Coat 原是士兵所穿的服裝?

Trench coat,香港人又稱乾濕褸,原是第一次世界大戰士兵所穿的服裝,其輕盈、防水、透氣的特點令它大受士兵歡迎。要說到把 trench coat帶到時尚圈的始祖,必定非Burberry莫屬。一件長身棕色雙排鈕扣風衣經得起時代的洗禮,慢慢演化成現在的時尚單品,無論是日常或正式工作場合都會配襯得到! 1. 休閒日常 要把Trench coat穿得有日常感,秘訣是嘗試不同的顏色配搭。最親民的單品必要數到牛仔褲!可以配襯低跟短靴或平底鞋,營造知性感覺。如果想穿得更型格的女生,不妨穿上皮革長褲,令整體造型質感更豐富,時髦得很!

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2. 甜美約會 有些人可能會覺得trench coat略為成熟,建議你可以配襯一些短裙或褲,增添一些活力,平衡整體造型。感覺更平易近人,穿去約會也最好不過了!

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[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="474"]

How To Wear A Trench Coat This Year: 15+ Stunning Looks | Be Daze Live in 2020 | Trench coats women, Trench coat style, Trench coat outfit
How To Wear A Trench Coat This Year: 15+ Stunning Looks | Be Daze Live in 2020 | Trench coats women, Trench coat style, Trench coat outfit

Photo: Pinterest[/caption] 3. 正式場合 要穿着trench coat上班或出席一些正式場合時,可以配襯同一色系的衣物,營造tone on tone的效果。看起來便不會過於花巧,塑造出沉實穩重的感覺。另外,不妨配襯一對高跟鞋,拉長腿部線條之外,也可增添女性獨有魅力。 [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="509"]

900+ Trench coat outfits ideas in 2021 | trench coat outfit, coat outfits, coat
900+ Trench coat outfits ideas in 2021 | trench coat outfit, coat outfits, coat

Photo: Pinterest[/caption] [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="510"]

110 Trench Coat Chic ideas in 2021 | coat, trench coat, fashion
110 Trench Coat Chic ideas in 2021 | coat, trench coat, fashion

Photo: Pinterest[/caption] [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="509"]

120 Trench coats ideas | how to wear, fashion, style
120 Trench coats ideas | how to wear, fashion, style

Photo: Pinterest[/caption] 除了Burberry的經典trench coat之外,還有很多更容易負擔的品牌供大家選擇,以下看看有沒有你的心頭好! [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="408"]

ASOS DESIGN boyfriend trench with quilted liner in stone | ASOS
ASOS DESIGN boyfriend trench with quilted liner in stone | ASOS

ASOS DESIGN boyfriend trench with quilted liner in stone (HK$741)[/caption] 購買網址 [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="410"]

ASOS DESIGN slouchy trench coat in washed stone | ASOS
ASOS DESIGN slouchy trench coat in washed stone | ASOS

ASOS DESIGN slouchy trench coat in washed stone (HK$635)[/caption] 購買網址 [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="411"]

Ba&sh Alan Long Trench Coat (HK$2,994)[/caption] 購買網址 [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="416"]

Reformation Holland cotton-blend twill trench coat (HK$2,662)[/caption] 購買網址


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