糖醋排骨便當 Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs


製作時間: 1小時內
份量人數: 1-2人

排骨Spare ribs 1斤600g
藍莓醬Blueberry jam 4大匙4 tbsp
鎮江醋Chinkiang vinegar 2大匙2 tbsp
水Water 4大匙4 tbsp
番茄醬Ketchup 2大匙2 tbsp
蕃薯粉Potato starch 1/2杯½ cup
白芝麻White sesame 適量some
蔥末spring onions dice 適量some
辣椒chilli 適量some
【醃料】米酒rice wine 1大匙1 tbsp.
【醃料】大蒜garlic 1~2瓣1-2 cl
【醃料】薑末Ginger mince 1小匙1 tsp
【醃料】豉油Soy sauce 1.5大匙1 tbs
【醃料】麻油Sesame oil 1小匙1 tsp

1 :

用豉油、米酒、麻油、大蒜、薑末將排骨醃一晚 Marinade spare ribs with soy sauce, rice wine, sesame oil, minced garlic and ginger overnight.
2 :

將醃好的排骨,裹上一層蕃薯粉,放在烤盤上, Cover a layer of potato starch on spare ribs and place on baking tray.
3 :

靜置10分鐘,等蕃薯粉反潮變濕 Let set for 10 minutes so that potato starch becomes wet.
4 :

氣炸鍋預熱200度,焗20分鐘。 Preheat air fryer to 200°C, bake for 20 minutes
5 :

焗排骨的同時準備醬料。 Meanwhile, prepare the sauce 將果醬、鎮江醋、番茄醬和水放入鍋中。 Place blueberry jam, Chinkiang vinegar, ketchup and water in pot 一邊攪拌一邊中火煮,煮至濃稠。
6 :

Heat over medium heat, keep stirring until sauce thickens 將焗好的排骨,同果香糖醋拌均, Mix ready pork ribs with sauce,
7 :

撒上白芝麻、青蔥、辣椒裝飾,完成 sprinkle white sesame, spring onions and chili for decoration, done
8 :

- 食譜來源 : https://cook1cook.com/recipe/51114
- 發掘更多美食 : https://cook1cook.com