Zoom 財報會議透露每日使用人數達 3 億之多


In this photo taken of a computer screen Wednesday, April 15, 2020, shows the Michigan Supreme Court who broke new ground by hearing two cases via Zoom video conferencing. Justice David Viviano was the only judge in his regular seat in court. At one point more than 180 people were watching live on YouTube. Justice Richard Bernstein, perhaps the most loquacious member, had questions for the lawyers as time was winding down. "Even on Zoom he finds a way" to run out the clock, Chief Justice Bridget McCormack joked. (AP Photo/Ed White)

因為新冠疫情的肆虐而趁勢崛起的視訊會議工具 Zoom,在 2020 年第一季度財報之中,他們透露了相較去年同期,超過 10 人的公司客戶增加至 265,400,升幅超過 3.5 倍。收入為 3.28 億美元,同樣是有 1.7 倍的顯著增長。

財報會議記錄之中,執行長袁征表示,他們發現在 4 月時候,其服務的每日使用人數高達 3 億,這包含了付費和免費用戶,而去年 12 月就只有 1,000 萬;截至今年 1 月底的會議時長也僅為千億分鐘(100 billion),但到了四月底就已經超過 2 兆(2 trillion)分鐘,是以倍數的速度增長中。