Meta 證實下代 Quest 將於 2023 年登場

CHIBA, JAPAN - SEPTEMBER 15: The Meta Quest booth is seen at the Tokyo Game Show 2022 on September 15, 2022 in Chiba, Japan. The event runs for four days from September 15-18 and takes place for first time in three years, following a hiatus due to the coronavirus pandemic. (Photo by Tomohiro Ohsumi/Getty Images)
CHIBA, JAPAN - SEPTEMBER 15: The Meta Quest booth is seen at the Tokyo Game Show 2022 on September 15, 2022 in Chiba, Japan. The event runs for four days from September 15-18 and takes place for first time in three years, following a hiatus due to the coronavirus pandemic. (Photo by Tomohiro Ohsumi/Getty Images)

定位生產力工具的 Meta Quest Pro 才推出不久,官方又開始為相對更便消費市場的產品線預熱了。在最新的財報會議中,CFO Dave Whener 證實「下一代 Quest 消費機種」會在「明年晚些時候正式亮相」。在談到這款新機時,公司老大 Mark Zuckerberg 也是以跟 Whener 一樣的用詞來指代,但不出意外的話它應該就是此前已被多次提及的「Quest 3」了。

本月早些時候,Zuckerberg 就告訴過分析師 Ben Thompson 他們已經在籌備「Quest 3」。據稱其價格可能會落在 US$300 到 US$500 之間,而且會以眼部和面部追蹤技術為「核心賣點」。除此之外,也有流言稱它會搭載類似 Pro 型號的 Pancake 鏡片。至於發表時間還沒什麼消息,但按照慣例來看 Meta 大概率也會選擇秋季的年度發表會吧。