IG 負責人 Amam Mosseri 日前在一場 AMA 活動中證實,平台會調低非熱門影片的畫質,「能吸引到更多觀看的創作者」才有最好待遇。
Hong Kong's Census and Statistics Department has predicted in 2038, 15 years from now, there will be one elderly in every three persons. Meanwhile, the United Nations Population Fund's (UNFPA) latest report said Hong Kong will champion as the world's oldest population by 2050. The ageing population hits the government's finances, for instance, an additional 768.8 million HKD was allocated to elderly-related support provisions in 2023/24 including a three-year Care the Carers campaign. It also poses challenges to the medical system...
本週一,3.1 Phillip Lim 於紐約時裝週期間慶祝成立 20 週年,並發佈 2025 春夏系列大秀。本系列以「歡樂」為主題,但 VERDY 並不這麼認為。
當社群已經成為我們生活的一部分,相信不少人的日常也離不開 Instagram,從分享有趣日常、與朋友聯繫到開啟新的商業模式,Instagram 在成為 Meta 的一份子之後接連帶來了不少革新,許多用戶樂於迎接改變,也有一些使用者更偏好過往簡約的版面,不論你是以上何者,也擋不住 Instagram 推出新功能的速度,其中不久前剛剛推出的 Stories 字體各位也玩過了嗎?