因為Netflix美劇《怪奇物語 Stranger Things》爆紅的女主角「Eleven」Millie Bobby Brown結婚了!20歲的她,情定搖滾樂團Bon Jovi主唱的兒子Jake Bongiovi,在IG上貼上婚照,並寫著:「forever and always, your wife」
(法新社華盛頓20日電) 美國星座能源公司(Constellation Energy)今天宣布,賓夕法尼亞州三哩島(Three Mile Island)核電廠將重啟以向微軟(Microsoft)供電。三哩島核電廠曾於1979年發生部分爐心熔毀,引發美國史上最嚴重的核事故。
Three Mile Island Wikipedia Commons 據《華盛頓郵報》報導,微軟正在商洽重啟位於美國賓州的三哩島核電廠,並成為核電廠的獨佔客戶 20 年。至於為何要一整座核電廠的電,那自然是為了餵養 AI 這個耗電巨獸,又要兼顧環保與碳排了。 三哩島電廠之所以臭名昭著,是因為它曾在 1979 時發生部份核心熔解的核災,並且有未知量的放射物被釋出。雖然在國際核事件分級表它被歸於 5 級,遠沒有 7 級的車諾比電廠事故或福島核電廠事故嚴重,但仍是美國...
每次到日本旅遊,總會花上很多時間逛彩妝保養品,除了常見的開架、專櫃美妝品,近年來日本也有許多天然護膚品牌廣受歡迎。像是由人氣女星的彩妝師河北裕介創立的 &b,以及有「天然無負評」彩妝之稱的北海道品牌 Shiro 都是家喻戶曉人氣品牌。Marks & Web 過去便以「日版 Aesop」的封號,備受日本女生討論,除了平價之外它還有什麼動人魅力,現在就一起來看看。
近日更有消息指,CHANEL背後的Wertheimer家族及美妝品牌巨頭L’Oreal的億萬繼承人Françoise Bettencourt Meyers,已入股The Row,令品牌更受關注、更有時尚潮流地位。
Yeung Man-ching, 21, a student at the Hong Kong Baptist University, starts her morning by bringing plastic bottles and waste paper from home to throw them into the recycling bin on campus. She has been recycling garbage for more than two years and says she has recycled over a hundred bottles. “I always ask my family to collect and clean the plastic bottles. From where I live in Tai Wai, there are no recycling bins downstairs at my house, so I can only take them back to school to be recycled,” she said.
Next to the Hong Kong International Airport at Chek Lap Kok, a leisure and entertainment business centre is about to be launched The exteriors of the three main buildings are all made of glass walls, which effectively gives insulation and increases light sources, just like an airship. Its extensive green walls and surroundings with abundant plants signal its uniqueness as a green building. “I am looking forward to the soon to be opened K11 Skies,” said...
《Concord 星鳴特攻》由索尼旗下第一方 Firewalk Studios 開發的 PC 和 PS5 5v5 多人競技射擊遊戲,該工作室員工皆來自知名的動視與 Bungie 成員,擁有豐富的射擊遊戲開發經驗而受到期待。
Hong Kong's Census and Statistics Department has predicted in 2038, 15 years from now, there will be one elderly in every three persons. Meanwhile, the United Nations Population Fund's (UNFPA) latest report said Hong Kong will champion as the world's oldest population by 2050. The ageing population hits the government's finances, for instance, an additional 768.8 million HKD was allocated to elderly-related support provisions...
香港天氣悶熱又潮濕,女生們想要打造清爽透亮的底妝,蜜粉無疑是不可或缺的好幫手。無論是想要修飾毛孔還是提升妝容的持久度,選擇合適的蜜粉產品都能讓妝容更上一層樓。日本美容雜誌《LDK the beauty》經評測後選出多款2024年評價最高的蜜粉,並分享其獨特的使用技巧,讓大家在炎炎夏日中也能輕鬆擁有無瑕美肌。
方大同新碟首支主打歌《才二十三》推出,引來各方迴響,更在Instagram上載了一條「街訪」宣傳片,簡單問道,「Do you remember your Twenty Three?」,甚至即場call out受訪者唱歌給他們聽,更有粉絲感動到落淚。
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