

在職場,大家經常會為客戶或同事的看法感到費解,而最直接的方法,就是要求對方清楚說明他們的意思。究竟我們可以用甚麼句式來要求對方澄清?除了最簡單的Sorry I dont understand. Please explain.之外,還有別的句子嗎?


Asking for Clarifications 要求澄清

  1. Explain to me your train of (一連串的)thoughts.

  2. Sorry, what do you mean by that?

  3. Sorry, could you repeat that, please?

  4. I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch you.

  5. I beg your pardon?

  6. Excuse me?

  7. Sorry?

  8. Pardon? I'm not quite with you.

  9. Would you mind saying it again?

  10. I don’t quite understand what you just said.

  11. I’m sorry I don’t follow you.

  12. Can you speak a little more slowly?

  13. Will you slow down a bit? I can’t follow you.

  14. Will you explain what you mean?

  15. Could you be more specific?

Clarifying 闡明、說明

  1. Well, I may put it in another way.

  2. OK, I’ll use the layman’s (外行人) terms, no jargon (行內術語) anymore.

  3. Well, what I mean is that…

  4. Well, my point is…

  5. What I’m trying to say is that…

  6. Well, I think what I actually mean is that…

  7. Let me rephrase that.

  8. Perhaps I’m not making myself clear

  9. Another way of looking at it is…

  10. The basic idea is…

  11. Let me get this straight.

  12. What I really wanted to tell you was that…

  13. I just want to make one point clear.

  14. I want to clarify a point I just made.

  15. Perhaps, I wasn’t too clear about what I meant. Let me try to clear this up a bit.

  16. You have misunderstood me. I didn’t mean to sound that way. Let me explain.

  17. Please allow me to explain this. I don’t want any misunderstanding here.

  18. I have plenty of reasons.

  19. I can explain myself.

  20. There’s got to be an explanation for this.

  21. Let me tell you how it is.

  22. I’d like to clarify my position.

  23. I will state my reasons clearly now.


Frankie Chan

MA in English Language Teaching (Distinction), BSc (First-class honours), TEFL Dip.

現 代教育IELTS/ TOEFL /Workplace English資深英語名師,著名TOEFL參考書作者及星島日報IELTS攻略專欄作者。曾任劍橋商業英語考試BULATS寫作及口試考官,並於國際英 語學院Wall Street English任教多年並擔任其多間分校之校長,具15年教學經驗,並擁有豐富管理與發展商業英語及國際英語考試課程之經驗。

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