掀開迪士尼失蹤黑點!黑色世界 3大「詭城」率先睇

每年 Halloween 海洋公園同迪士尼都會變成鬼域,亦有傳聞唔少人入咗主題公園就一去無回頭!今年「迪士尼黑色世界」就掀開「失蹤黑點」,你又敢唔敢去探險,尋找失蹤之謎?

Disney Haunted Halloween_Mystic Point_Time Keeper_1
Disney Haunted Halloween_Mystic Point_Time Keeper_1

由 10 月 2 日起至 10 月 31 日期間,逢星期五至日,一共 14 個晚上香港迪士尼樂園將會變成「詭城」。入夜之後,凶靈古咒將響遍迷離莊園、灰熊山谷及探險世界,身邊嘅人可能隨時被迷離莊園嘅邪靈勾走魂魄!佢地或會被捲入灰熊山谷內亡靈礦工與牛仔之間嘅「屍」殺當中,甚至喺森林河流之旅中遭古咒鬼襲,迷失於叢林!

Disney Haunted Halloween_Mystic Point_Cycle of the Spirits
Disney Haunted Halloween_Mystic Point_Cycle of the Spirits



Disney Haunted Halloween_Mystic Point_Cycle of the Spirits_Society Lady_3
Disney Haunted Halloween_Mystic Point_Cycle of the Spirits_Society Lady_3

▲ 拎住遮嘅白衣女鬼喺條街四圍走,就算唔出聲都已經好恐怖。

Disney Haunted Halloween_Grizzly Gulch_The Haunting of Grizzly Gulch
Disney Haunted Halloween_Grizzly Gulch_The Haunting of Grizzly Gulch



Disney Haunted Halloween_Grizzly Gulch_Engineer
Disney Haunted Halloween_Grizzly Gulch_Engineer

▲ 早已氣絕身亡嘅礦工出嚟嘅目的就只有一個,就喺要你成為佢地嘅同盟。

Disney Haunted Halloween_Adventureland_Curse of the Emerald Trinity
Disney Haunted Halloween_Adventureland_Curse of the Emerald Trinity

Disney Haunted Halloween_Characters Meet and Greet_Group Photo
Disney Haunted Halloween_Characters Meet and Greet_Group Photo

「森林河流之旅 ─咒石迷蹤」

成功逃出鬼域,米奇同一眾迪士尼朋友將會連同首次換上萬聖節新裝嘅迪士尼小熊 ShellieMay,喺美國小鎮大街齊齊搞鬼出巡,邀請你參加一場別開生「鬼」萬聖節派對,慶祝你「死過翻生」!

Disney Haunted Halloween_Characters Meet and Greet_Mickey and Minnie
Disney Haunted Halloween_Characters Meet and Greet_Mickey and Minnie

▲ 米奇同米妮換上萬聖節服裝喺美國小鎮大街等緊你。

Disney Haunted Halloween_Characters Meet and Greet_Donald and Daisy
Disney Haunted Halloween_Characters Meet and Greet_Donald and Daisy

▲ 扮到成個南瓜魂咁嘅唐老鴨同黛絲仍然十分搞鬼。

Disney Haunted Halloween_Characters Meet and Greet_Chip and Dale
Disney Haunted Halloween_Characters Meet and Greet_Chip and Dale

▲ 大鼻同鋼牙化身骷髏慶祝你「死過翻生」。

Disney Haunted Halloween_Characters Meet and Greet_Duffy the Disney Bear and ShelliMay
Disney Haunted Halloween_Characters Meet and Greet_Duffy the Disney Bear and ShelliMay

▲ 首次換上萬聖節新裝嘅迪士尼小熊 ShellieMay 正等緊你同佢瘋狂自拍呢!


樂園內及兩間主題酒店餐廳將會推出超過 30 款期間限定嘅萬聖節主題美食,等你可以喺「玩失蹤」後,一嚐探險世界碧林餐廳嘅「詭異南瓜套餐」或大冒險家餐廳嘅特別甜品「神秘面具」補充體力!

Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel_Crystal Lotus_Jack Shrimp Dumpling_1
Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel_Crystal Lotus_Jack Shrimp Dumpling_1

▲ 阿Jack 都變咗做包,超可愛!

Disney Haunted Halloween_Explorer’s Club Restaurant_Sticky Rice Ghost_2
Disney Haunted Halloween_Explorer’s Club Restaurant_Sticky Rice Ghost_2


Disney Haunted Halloween F&B_A Bucket of Halloween & Happy Ghost World
Disney Haunted Halloween F&B_A Bucket of Halloween & Happy Ghost World

▲ 甜品亦都變成唔同血淋淋嘅鬼樣,你又敢唔敢食?

Hong Kong Disneyland_ODV_Mickey Halloween Cookie_1
Hong Kong Disneyland_ODV_Mickey Halloween Cookie_1

▲ 米奇就算變成蝙蝠都一樣咁可愛,又點捨得食佢呢?

Disney Haunted Halloween F&B_Blue Monster and Red Monster
Disney Haunted Halloween F&B_Blue Monster and Red Monster

▲ 尖叫到口乾,不如飲番飲眼珠特飲!

Disney Haunted Halloween Merchandise_Group Photo_10
Disney Haunted Halloween Merchandise_Group Photo_10


食飽、玩夠又想帶迪士尼朋友番屋企,樂園特別準備咗超過 70款萬聖節主題商品,包括米奇家族、萬聖節版 Tsum Tsum 及多款限量版徽章、得意玩具、別緻精品、服飾、文具套裝、家品等紀念品,等大家慢慢揀!

Disney Haunted Halloween Merchandise_Group Photo_1
Disney Haunted Halloween Merchandise_Group Photo_1

▲ 萬聖節造型嘅 ShellieMay 巧打耳啊!

Disney Haunted Halloween Merchandise_Group Photo_2
Disney Haunted Halloween Merchandise_Group Photo_2

▲ 仲有咁多款,睇嚟要大出血啦!

Disney Haunted Halloween_Mystic Point_Cycle of the Spirits_Dancing Couple_2
Disney Haunted Halloween_Mystic Point_Cycle of the Spirits_Dancing Couple_2

講咗咁耐喺咪心思思想勇闖「詭城」探險呢?由即日起至 9 30 透過香港迪士尼樂園度假區網站優惠價港幣 $349 「迪士尼黑色世界」夜間門票,於指定日子晚上 6 時後體驗迷失驚險氣氛,齊齊玩失蹤

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The post 掀開迪士尼失蹤黑點!黑色世界 3大「詭城」率先睇 appeared first on UNWIRE.HK 流動科技生活.