(法新社紐約11日電) 美國一家公共廣播電台今天披露的內部文件顯示,短影音應用程式TikTok團隊發現了其平台對年輕用戶造成的有害影響,卻限制預防性措施以避免流量下滑。肯塔基公共廣播電台(Kentucky Public Radio)在州法官下令從公開紀錄中移除這些文件之前重建了內部通訊紀錄。
在今年 2024 東京電玩展上,小島秀夫邀請到日語配音版的多位聲優、演員但知名導演,一起在台上公開最新遊戲情報,帶來了 PS5 獨佔遊戲《死亡擱淺2》(Death Stranding 2)的大量實機畫面、新角色登場、日本演員合作等。雖然《死亡擱淺2》的正式發售日期要等 2025 年才會公開。
At the end of the narrow aisle crammed with household goods, an old air conditioner hums as it struggles to cool the flat where 11 residents live in eight tiny cells separated by makeshift wooden walls. Around noon, Xia Renhui 52, who has been living in this subdivided flat in Tsuen Wan for five years, prepares his lunch in the shared kitchen. The thermometer hanging on the wall records a temperature of 37˚ C. The scalding water from the tap and the steam spurting out of the rice cooker make Xia feel smothered. "The whole room feels like a smelting furnace. Every inch of my skin is burning," said Xia.
Yeung Man-ching, 21, a student at the Hong Kong Baptist University, starts her morning by bringing plastic bottles and waste paper from home to throw them into the recycling bin on campus. She has been recycling garbage for more than two years and says she has recycled over a hundred bottles. “I always ask my family to collect and clean the plastic bottles. From where I live in Tai Wai, there are no recycling bins downstairs at my house, so I can only take them back to school to be recycled,” she said.
Next to the Hong Kong International Airport at Chek Lap Kok, a leisure and entertainment business centre is about to be launched The exteriors of the three main buildings are all made of glass walls, which effectively gives insulation and increases light sources, just like an airship. Its extensive green walls and surroundings with abundant plants signal its uniqueness as a green building. “I am looking forward to the soon to be opened K11 Skies,” said Lai Wing-tsz, a passerby who just left the airport, “it amazes me and makes me wonder if it is still the Hong...
...追求完美的色彩表現,其畫作充滿著光的流動和生命力。而Giverny花園屬於莫內最後的居所,每年都吸引無數遊人前來朝聖,感受莫內的生活環境和創意靈感。 Image by Amandine from Pixabay Image by Public Domain Pictures from Pixabay 這個花園位於法國巴黎西北部約80公里處的小鎮Giverny,四季景色宜人,栽種了各種顏色的美麗花朵,還有莫內最愛的日本橋和睡蓮池塘。在花園裡漫步,彷彿走進莫內畫中,令人...
參與新東初選、經審訊後被裁定罪成的梁國雄,其代表資深大狀潘熙周二(27 日)早上完成求情陳詞。社民連其後發布梁的陳情書,梁指參與治運動和社會抗爭近 50 年,一直秉持改變社會不公,爭取民主自由、實現社會主義的理念,從沒放棄。
「這下好了 我不僅違背了計劃生育 也違背了性別期待 還違背了養成計劃……」 或因與主流的社會規訓格格不入,這首詩被中國多家出版社拒之門外。 但它還是面世了,經由地下印刷廠,出現在南方某城市一條不知名街道的不知名書店內。 書店僅有幾平米大,沒有亮眼的裝修更沒有吸引人的招牌,在售賣水果和蔬菜的流動攤販掩映下,想要找到它並不是一件容易的事。這個毫不起眼的狹小空間,收藏了滿屋的地下出版物,成為地下閱讀愛好者的聖地。 ----------- 閱讀餘下全文,需要您的小額支持,讓優質內容可以自食其力。 暢讀全站所有好內容?每月只需一餐飯的錢,好新聞,並不貴。 支持我們...
【Now新聞台】Hong Kong Olympic athletes will greet the public on a bus parade on Wednesday. The Consumer Council warns that some toilet paper may clog drainpipes.Chinese and Philippine ships collide again in the disputed South China Sea.