【商業英語】面試時應如何表達自己的優缺點?(Frankie Chan)

【商業英語】面試時應如何表達自己的優缺點?(Frankie Chan)



Talking about Professional Skills 有關專業技能

  1. I can type fifty words per minute and I can take shorthand速記) at seventy words per minute.

  2. I have a good knowledge of bookkeeping.

  3. I have working knowledge of Windows, Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

  4. I’m experienced in operating a Mac.

  5. I know how to use Photoshop and AutoCAD.

  6. I have received an advanced Computer Operation Qualification Certificate.

  7. I have an intermediate certificate in Business Putonghua.

  8. Besides Cantonese, I can speak English and Putonghua. I’m also proficient in Japanese and Korean.

Talking about Strengths and Weaknesses 有關強項與弱點

  1. One of my strong points is that I like developing new things and ideas.

  2. I’ve concluded several important deals for my company and signed new business contracts.

  3. The sales which I’m responsible for have increased by 15% during the last four years.

  4. I have succeeded in reducing the cost by an average of 10% after negotiations.

  5. Since I became the Production Manager of the company, I have managed to reduce the cost by 30%.

  6. I have finished three new projects, and I’m sure I can apply my experience to this position.

  7. I was awarded the Top Salesperson of the Company in 2014.


A:    What are your strong points?

B:    Well, I’m very good with people. I’m honest. I work hard. I also work well under pressure. And I’m patient.

A:    What kind of people do you like to work with?

B:    I like people who work hard. I don’t like people who are laid-back悠閒的、不著急的).

A:    What’s your greatest strength?

B:    Well, this is a challenging question. I suppose I would say that I’m a quick learner.

A:    So you’re smart.

B:    Let’s put it this way 讓我這樣說吧), I think I’m good at what I do.

A:    What are your weaknesses?

B:    I’m not good at speaking in public. I feel uncomfortable/ nervous when I speak in public. (在回答有關自己弱點的問題時,可誠實回答,但應選擇一項與應徵職位的職責範圍無關的。

A:    That’s not a problem. It’s not really required for this position.



A:    What are your strong points?

B:    I can work well under stress and I enjoy challenging tasks. I think my Putonghua ability is also a strong point.

A:    I see…and your weaknesses?

B:    I think I sometimes try to be over-organized. So I’m learning how to let things go and concentrate on the most important parts of my job (不少求職者喜愛這招,把自己的弱點包裝成優點似的。).

A:    What are you most satisfied with at work?

B:    Hmmm…well, let me see. I think I feel most satisfied when I know my boss trusts me to complete the important tasks.

A:    Do you prefer working by yourself or with others?

B:    Both. If I have a task that needs total concentration, like working with financial figures, I need to be alone and be quiet. But other projects are best done with group support and I enjoy working with a team in these situations.


Talking about Goals and Objectives 有關目標

  1. I intend to be a leading expert in the industry.

  2. I wish to move up to a position with a higher salary and more opportunities.

  3. My career goal is to work at a renowned firm and take on接受、承擔)more challenging assignments.

  4. I hope I can bring what I’ve learned into full play竭盡所能)here, and be an excellent travel agent.

  5. My ambition志向、野心) is to become the best property agent in Hong Kong.

  6. My goal is to start up my own company.


A:      What do you expect to be doing in five years from now? What are your career goals?

B:      I would like to be in a managerial role, ideally working closely with external clients. I have worked in client facing roles for more than 2 years and I enjoy the challenge of keeping customers satisfied. I think it’s something I’m good at.

         I would also like to take on additional responsibilities within this area, and possible areas such as….. Finally, I’d like to be on the right career path towards eventually becoming a Senior Manager within the company. I'm very aware that these are ambitious雄心勃勃的) goals, however, I feel that through hard work and dedication奉獻), they’re quite achievable能達到的).


Frankie Chan

MA in English Language Teaching (Distinction), BSc (First-class honours), TEFL Dip.

現 代教育IELTS/ TOEFL /Workplace English資深英語名師,著名TOEFL參考書作者及星島日報IELTS攻略專欄作者。曾任劍橋商業英語考試BULATS寫作及口試考官,並於國際英 語學院Wall Street English任教多年並擔任其多間分校之校長,具15年教學經驗,並擁有豐富管理與發展商業英語及國際英語考試課程之經驗。

Facebook: Frankiechan.English

Email: frankieps.chan@gmail.com

Instagram: frankiepschan