
Google 將為搜尋服務加入 ChatGPT 式的對話功能

Google closeup logo displayed on a phone screen, smartphone on a keyboard is seen in this multiple exposure illustration, the company's symbol is globally recognized. Google, LLC is an American tech giant, a multinational technology company that specializes in Internet-related services and products, which include online advertising technologies, a search engine, cloud computing, software, and hardware. It is considered one of the Big Four technology companies in the U.S. . Amsterdam, the Netherlands on October 22, 2020 (Photo by Nicolas Economou/NurPhoto)

為追上競爭對手的腳步,Google 現在也打算為自己的搜尋產品加入對話式 AI 了。CEO Sundar Pichai 日前在接受華爾街日報採訪時,確認了這個算不上意外的消息。「人們在搜尋時能向 Google 問問題?跟大型語言模型互動嗎?答案是肯定的。」Pichai 這麼說道。在此之前 Google 已經宣布過要將大型語言模型整合到搜尋服務中的計畫,但 Pichai 現在的表態是該公司首度確認會引入對話功能。

在 Pichai 看來,聊天 AI 能為其搜尋業務帶來擴張的契機。「這個機會空間,如果真的存在的話,那它會比以往更大。」他如此說道。不過對於加入對話功能的時程安排,Pichai 並未透露太多,但 Google 採取行動的速度顯然已經落後於微軟了。