雞翼食譜|芝麻柚子醬雞翼 Sesame Yuzu Sauce Chicken Wings


製作時間: 1小時內
份量人數: 3-4人

雞翼Chicken wing 8隻/pcs
粟粉 cornstarch 1湯匙/tbsp
白芝麻 White sesame 適量/as need
【醃料】雞粉 Chicken powder 1½茶匙/tsp
【醃料】老抽 Dark soy sauce ⅓茶匙/tsp
【醃料】糖 Sugar 1茶匙/tsp
【醃料】粟粉 Cornstarch 1茶匙/tsp
【醃料】油Oil 1茶匙/tsp
【柚子醬汁】蜂蜜柚子醬 Honey yuzu paste 3湯匙/tbsp

1 :

先用醃料醃雞翼半小時或以上 Marinate chicken wings with the marinade for at least 30 minutes.
2 :

烹調前加入1湯匙粟粉攪勻 Add 1 tablespoon of cornstarch before cooking and mix well.
3 :

用半煎炸方式炸雞翼,當雞翼炸好後盛起備用 Half-fry the chicken wings until cooked. Remove from the pan and set aside.
4 :

將柚子醬加熱,雞翼回鑊 Heat up the yuzu sauce in a pan, add the chicken wings and coat them with the sauce.
5 :

雞翼沾滿醬汁後,再撒上白芝麻即成。 Sprinkle white sesame seeds on top and serve.

- 食譜來源 : https://cook1cook.com/recipe/54065
- 發掘更多美食 : https://cook1cook.com