電飯煲食譜|電飯煲可樂牛展 Rice cooker cola beef shank

要令牛展又腍又滑,要花唔少時間慢慢炆煮,唔想煩的話,就交畀電飯煲代勞啦。由得電飯煲慢慢煮,煮完將牛展在電飯煲再焗,保證夠晒腍。今次仲有埋可樂汽水,所有汽水入面都有梳打嘅成份,即係碳酸氫鈉(Sodium bicarbonate NaHCO3),會同肉類的蛋白質產生反應,使之組織疏鬆,並使肉類的保水度增加,令肉質更加軟嫩!

製作時間: 1小時內
份量人數: 7-8人

牛展 Beef shank 2條/pc
可樂 Cola ½罐/can
蔥 Spring onion 1棵/stalk
薑 Ginger 7-8片/slice
指天椒 Chili pepper 1隻/pc
滷水料 Chinese marinade spices 1包/pack
雞粉 Chicken powder 1.5茶匙/tsp
冰糖 Rock sugar 30克/g
水 Water 適量/As need

1 :

牛展與數片薑放鍋內加水,中火煲滾再滾2-3分鐘,盛起洗淨備用 Put the beef shank and a few slices of ginger into a pot. Add enough water to cover, and bring to a boil over medium heat. Let it boil for 2-3 minutes more. Then remove and rinse.
2 :

蔥切段、指天椒斜切圈 Section spring onion and cut chili pepper into circles.
3 :

按電飯煲的煮飯鍵,下少許油,爆香薑片、蔥段、指天椒、雞粉、冰糖 Press the "cook" button on the electric rice cooker, add a little oil, and sauté the ginger, spring onion, chili pepper, chicken powder, and rock sugar until fragrant.
4 :

加滷水料及可樂煮10分鐘 Add cola and Chinese marinade spices and simmer for 10 minutes.
5 :

放入牛展,加水至蓋過牛展 Add the beef shank into the rice cooker, add enough water to cover it.
6 :

讓電飯煲續煮至完成,再按一次煮飯鍵再煮至完成 Let the rice cooker continues to cook until it's done. Then, press the "cook" button again and cook until it's finished.
7 :
讓牛展在飯煲內焗半小時 Let the beef shank sit in the rice cooker for half an hour.
8 :

取出放涼後切片即成 Take out the beef shank. Let cool, slice and serve.

- 食譜來源 : https://cook1cook.com/recipe/54546
- 發掘更多美食 : https://cook1cook.com