47人案求情.港島|梁晃維求情信節錄:從未失對港人信心 信終能長風破浪

47人案求情.港島|梁晃維求情信節錄:從未失對港人信心 信終能長風破浪
47人案求情.港島|梁晃維求情信節錄:從未失對港人信心 信終能長風破浪

47 名民主派被控「串謀顛覆國家政權」罪一案,第二批罪成被告、初選時參選港島區的 6 人,周二(2 日)處理求情。代表梁晃維的資深大律師彭耀鴻,庭上讀出由梁親自撰寫的求情信,提及生於香港主權移交之時,每逢畢業都碰上香港「新階段」,例如「沙士」、雨傘運動、反修例運動,形容是「我深感我的命運與香港緊緊扣連」,又稱「我從未喪失對香港和香港人的信心」。

辯方透露袁嘉蔚獄中成婚 梁晃維自感與香港命運緊扣


在 2020 年立法會選舉之中,我以「休戚與共 長風破浪」為競選口號,那不是適合在集會或遊行中叫喊的感性口號,它融合了我對香港的個人感受和抱負。作為在主權移交那年出生的人,我們這一代常被戲稱為「被選中的細路」(cursed children)。每當我們踏入人生新階段,香港就遭受疫症或大事衝擊—我們幼稚園畢業時是「沙士」,小學畢業時是「豬流感」,高中時是雨傘運動,離開大學步入社會時,就碰上反修例運動和世紀疫情。在與香港同甘共苦的當中,我深深感到自己與香港的命運緊緊扣連。

香港是我成長的地方。它是我經歷種種的舞台,也是我所珍視價值的搖籃。我發覺自己無法輕易切斷與香港的聯繫,也無法忍受只做個旁觀者。無論我將來過着怎樣的生活,我都會繼續與香港休戚與共—為它的成就喝采,為它的衰落沮喪。自 2019 年以來,香港面對複雜和困難的局面,許多人對這個城市的未來感到迷茫。然而,我從未喪失對香港和香港人的信心。憑我們對這片土地的熱愛,以及我們從前人那裡繼承的精神,我信香港終能逆風而行,克服當前的挑戰和未知的困難。只要我還活著,締造更美好的香港就會是我的終生抱負。

In the 2020 Legislative Council election, I used the slogan “sharing weal and woe, braving the winds and tides”. It is not an emotional slogan fit for chanting at rallies or marches. It combines my personal feelings and aspirations for Hong Kong. As someone born in the year of the handover, our generation is often humorously referred to as the “cursed children”. Every time we stepped into a new stage of life, Hong Kong was hit by an epidemic or some significant events – SARS at kindergarten graduation; swine flu at primary school graduation; the Umbrella Movement in high school; when we entered into society after graduating from university, there were the anti-extradition movement and the pandemic of the century. In this process of sharing Hong Kong’s joy and grief, I deeply feel that my fate is tightly linked with Hong Kong’s.

Hong Kong is where I grew up; it’s the stage for all kinds of experiences and the cradle of values that I hold dear. I realise that I cannot easily sever ties with Hong Kong nor tolerate being a bystander here. No matter what kind of life I live in the future, I will continue to share weal and woe with Hong Kong – cheering for its successes and feeling downcast about its decline. Since 2019, Hong Kong has been facing complex and difficult situations; many people feel lost about city’s future. However, I have never lost faith in Hong Kong or its people. With our love for this land and the spirit inherited from our predecessors, I believe Hong Kong will be able to brave the strong winds, overcoming current challenges and other unknown difficulties. As long as I am alive, building a better Hong Kong will always be my lifelong aspiration.

資深大律師彭耀鴻周二代表梁晃維求情陳詞(Nasha Chan 攝)
資深大律師彭耀鴻周二代表梁晃維求情陳詞(Nasha Chan 攝)


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