
(綜合報道)(星島日報報道)近日網上瘋傳一則英文「格言」,名為《Always Leave The Office On Time》,內容得到大部分網民認同,有些更認為可取代一直很受歡迎的中文格言《莫生氣》。以下是部分內容: •Work is a never ending process. You can never finish all the work. •Life does not mean coming to office, going home and sleep. There is more to a life. You need time to socialize, exercise and relax. Don't make your life meaningless. •A person who sits in the office until late is not a hardworking person. He is a fool who does not know how to manage work within the stipulated time. Beside he is a loser who does not have personal or social life. •You did not study and struggle in life just to be a machine. 實在很有意思和啟發性,但我必須在此格言末段加一句註腳──It's easier said than done! dicky.lau@singtaonewscorp.com 迪奇 (館長有Say)