【商業英語】面試後跟進攻略(Frankie Chan)

【商業英語】面試後跟進攻略(Frankie Chan)

在求職面試中,當僱主問及expected salary(期望薪酬 時,有些應徵者就如踏進了戰場般,步步為營,尤其對剛畢業的人而言,更是一步一驚心。如回答一個較低的薪金,恐怕僱主會一口答應;但如果回答一個自己理想的薪酬,又擔心僱主嫌自己「獅子開大口」,白白錯失被錄用的機會。

回應這條問題是一門藝術,如以英語回答更需要多點技巧。面試結束時,應如何詢問何時得知結果,往後又應怎樣跟進面試狀況?這些範疇這星期會逐一探討 ,而最後的情景對話,更集結了過往幾星期的要點,供讀者重溫。

Talking about Salary 關於薪金

  1. I’d like to start at about $xx,xxx a month.

  2. I expect no lower than $xx,xxx a month.

  3. Actually, salary is not the most important factor to me.

  4. I think I would need more information about the job before we start to discuss salary.

  5. Money is important, but the responsibility that goes along with this job is what interests me the most.

  6. I’m now getting $xx,xxx at my present job. So I expect a reasonable increment (增加)of 10% in my new role.

  7. Based on my skills and experience in the industry, I’m looking for at least $xx,xxx per month.

  8. Well, based on my research done in this industry, I believe your offer will be a fair one. I have a strong background in this industry and my skills are a perfect match for this role.

  9. I’m sure when the time comes, we will agree on a reasonable amount. But then I would expect the amount that reflects my experience as well as qualifications that I bring to the role.

  10. What range do you have in mind?


Asking about Result 關於面試結果

  1. When will I know about the result of my application?

  2. When will I hear from you?

  3. We will contact you if your application is successful.

  4. If we decide to hire you, we will notify you by email.

  5. You will hear from us soon.

  6. If you don't hear from us within 2 weeks, you can assume that your application is not successful.

  7. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.

  8. I look forward to receiving your call.


<情景對話1>  面試後致電跟進

A:      Hi, may I speak to Mrs. Black, please?

B:      This is Mrs. Black.

A:      How’re you, Mrs. Black? This is Abby Lam. I had an interview with you last Friday.

B:      Oh yes, I’m great, thanks, Abby.

A:      Actually, I’m calling to follow up on the status of the Sales Manager position.

B:      We haven’t made any decision yet although we do have a few candidates we’re looking at, including you.

A:      I see. Well, I just want to let you know that I’m very interested in this position. And if there’s any additional information you may need, please call me anytime.

B:      I certainly will. Thank you for calling.

A:      Thank you very much, Mrs. Black. I look forward to hearing (look forward to 後切記要用gerund 即動詞+ing) from you soon.


<情景對話2> 面試樣板

A: Hi there. Welcome to our office. How’re you doing today?

B:   Great, thanks. Yourself?

A: I can’t complain. So, did you bring a hard copy of your resume?

B: Yes, I brought several copies . . . here you are.

A: Thanks. So, can you tell me a bit about your education background?

B: I’d be happy to. I attended City University where I earned a Bachelor’s degreein Engineering.

A: I see, and what about your working experience since graduation?

B: Well, I’ve been working at an Engineering company for 2 years.

A: So why did you quit?

B: Well, to be honest, the job was a little too simple. I’m looking for something more challenging with more responsibilities and more opportunities to move up.

A: I see, and what are your pay expectations?

B: Well, previously I was making $16,000 a month, so I’m looking to start at something around there, but I’d like to be able to make more as I take on more responsibilities.

       (a few minutes later)

A: So do you have any questions?

B: Yes, what do you think an ideal candidate should be like for this position?

       (a few minutes later)

A: Well, thanks for coming in. We’ll be in touch.

B: Thanks for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.


Frankie Chan

MA in English Language Teaching (Distinction), BSc (First-class honours), TEFL Dip.

現 代教育IELTS/ TOEFL /Workplace English資深英語名師,著名TOEFL參考書作者及星島日報IELTS攻略專欄作者。曾任劍橋商業英語考試BULATS寫作及口試考官,並於國際英 語學院Wall Street English任教多年並擔任其多間分校之校長,具15年教學經驗,並擁有豐富管理與發展商業英語及國際英語考試課程之經驗。

Facebook: Frankiechan.English

Email: frankieps.chan@gmail.com

Instagram: frankiepschan