湯水食譜|老黃瓜赤小豆豬骨湯 Old cucumber, rice bean, and pork b

老黃瓜即是長得過熟都沒有摘下的青瓜,表皮變黃變皺,雖然外表看來並不吸引,但卻十分適合夏秋時煲湯飲用。 老黃瓜味甘性微涼,具有清熱、解毒、降火、利尿、去水腫等作用,是夏日湯水的上佳材料。而去到秋天,都市人亦容易有痰濕、水腫、紅疹、皮膚痕癢、大便黏膩、眼屎多等症狀,亦可以用老黃瓜煲湯飲用。老黃瓜瓜皮愈皺愈好,煲湯時不用去皮,洗乾淨挖囊、切塊即可。 此湯亦用上赤小豆和扁豆。赤小豆性平、味甘酸,入心、小腸經,能利水除濕、和血排膿、消腫解毒。扁豆性微溫、味甘;入脾、胃經,有健脾、化濕、消暑的作用。

製作時間: 1小時以上
份量人數: 3-4人

老黃瓜 Old cucumber 1條/pc
紅蘿蔔 Carrot 1個/pc
赤小豆Rice bean 1両/tael
扁豆 White hyacinth bean 1両/tael
蜜棗 Candied date 1粒/pc
陳皮 Dried tangerine peel 1角/ ⅓pc
豬骨 Pork bone 300克/g
水 Water 2公升/Liter

1 :
豬骨汆水洗淨 Boil pork bones with cold water until boiled then rinse.
2 :

老黃瓜洗淨 Wash the old cucumber.
3 :

去囊切大件 Remove the seeds of old cucumber then cut it into large pieces.
4 :

紅蘿蔔洗淨 Wash carrot.
5 :

去皮切大件 Peel and cut into large pieces.
6 :

赤小豆、扁豆、蜜棗洗淨 Rinse rice bean, white hyacinth bean and candied date.
7 :

浸水30分鐘 Soak them in water for 30 minutes
8 :

陳皮浸軟去囊 Soak dried tangerine peel until it softens, and remove the white pith.
9 :

將老黃瓜、紅蘿蔔、赤小豆、扁豆、蜜棗及陳皮,放入煲內 Put the old cucumber, carrot, red beans, green beans, Chinese date, and dried tangerine peel into a pot.
10 :

加水一同煲滾 Add water and bring it to a boil.
11 :

滾起後放入豬骨 Add the pork bones and bring it to a boil again.
12 :

滾起後轉中小火煲2小時 Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer for 2 hours.
13 :

酌量加鹽調味 Add salt to taste.

- 食譜來源 : https://cook1cook.com/recipe/54305
- 發掘更多美食 : https://cook1cook.com