湯水食譜| 粉葛下火袪濕湯 Kudzu soup for clearing heat and d

夏天多雨水,加上出入冷氣間,總會覺但濕重疲勞,飲用以粉葛煲的湯水,就可以收下火、去濕、去疲勞的功效。這款湯的材料相對簡單,預備工夫很花就完成,煲湯話咁易。 功效 粉葛:滋陰潤燥,清熱解毒,保護胃黏膜,改善消化不良 紅蘿蔔:健脾胃、補肝明目、解毒透疹 炒扁豆:消除疲勞,提高免疫力,益氣養陰,降低膽固醇 花豆:清熱解毒,利尿消腫,調節腸胃,降低血糖 眉豆:補腎益氣,滋陰潤燥,清熱解毒 西施骨:補腎益氣,強筋骨,滋陰潤燥等功效,令湯水更甜

製作時間: 1小時以上
份量人數: 5-6人

細粉葛 Kudzu (Kudzuvine root, or fenge), small 1個/pc
紅蘿蔔 Carrot 1個/pc
炒扁豆 Fried white hyacinth bean 30克/g
花豆 White dutch runner bean 30克/g
眉豆 Black-eyed pea 30克/g
西施骨 Pork shoulder with bone 450-600克/g
薑 Ginger 2片/slices
水 Water 4公升/Liter

1 :

西施骨汆水洗淨備用 Bring Pork shoulder with bone with a pot of cold water to a boil , then rinse and set aside.
2 :

用鋼絲刷將粉葛皮省乾淨,去皮切件 Clean and peel the skin of kudzu, Cut into chunks.
3 :

紅蘿蔔去皮切件 Peel and cut carrot into pieces.
4 :

炒扁豆、花豆、眉豆浸水1小時 Soak the fried white hyacinth beans, white dutch runner beans, and black-eyed beans in water for 1 hour.
5 :

煲滾水,下薑片及粉葛先,滾起轉中細火煲1小時 Bring the water to a boil in a pot, then add the ginger and kudzu. Simmer for 1 hour.
6 :

再下其他材料,滾起轉中細火煲1小時 Add the remaining ingredients and simmer for another 1 hour.
7 :

酌量加鹽調味 Season with salt to taste.

- 食譜來源 : https://cook1cook.com/recipe/54139
- 發掘更多美食 : https://cook1cook.com