六四 35 周年|北京天安門廣場有警站崗 微信、抖音無法更改頭像|Yahoo

今日(4 日)是六四事件 35 周年。在北京,天安門廣場有軍裝警員佈防。根據外媒發放的相片,有少數警察、武警及公安在天安門附近一帶站崗,亦有警車在主要道路駐守。


日常作為歷史名勝和觀光設施的「天安門城樓」在官方網站表示,城樓在 6 月 4 日全日關閉。(另見報道

對於台灣及世界各地有大規模紀念活動,外交部發言人毛寧早前表示,對於上世紀80年代末發生的那場政治風波,中國政府早已有明確結論,任何以此為藉口抹黑中國,干涉中國內政的圖謀都是不會得逞。 她又指,89 年發生的那場事件早已有定論,一貫反對這種組織借人權問題干涉中國內政。

04 June 2024, China, Peking: A car drives along Chang'an Avenue (Avenue of Eternal Peace) at Tian'anmen (Gate of Heavenly Peace) in front of Tian'anmen Square (Tiananmen Square). Hundreds of people died around Tian'anmen Square 35 years ago during the bloody suppression of protests for more democracy. Photo: Johannes Neudecker/dpa (Photo by Johannes Neudecker/picture alliance via Getty Images)
長安街上未見有嚴密佈防。Photo: Johannes Neudecker/dpa (Photo by Johannes Neudecker/picture alliance via Getty Images)
04 June 2024, China, Peking: People walk on Tian'anmen Square (Tiananmen Square). Hundreds of people died around Tiananmen Square 35 years ago during the bloody suppression of protests for more democracy. Photo: Johannes Neudecker/dpa (Photo by Johannes Neudecker/picture alliance via Getty Images)
天安門廣場人民紀念碑有市民參觀。Photo: Johannes Neudecker/dpa (Photo by Johannes Neudecker/picture alliance via Getty Images)
Police officers watch over Tiananmen Gate in Beijing, Tuesday, June 4, 2024. As Beijing's toughened political stance effectively extinguished any large-scale commemorations within its borders, overseas commemorative events have grown increasingly crucial for preserving memories of the Tiananmen crackdown. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)
有警察在天安門門前駐守。 (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)
A woman stands near a police vehicle on Tiananmen Square in Beijing, Tuesday, June 4, 2024. Checkpoints and rows of police vehicles lined a major road leading to Beijing's Tiananmen Square as China heightened security on the 35th anniversary of a bloody crackdown on pro-democracy protests. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)
一名女子站在北京天安門廣場附近的一輛警車旁。警車排列在通往北京天安門廣場的主要道路上 (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)
Securities stand watch near police vehicles parked at a traffic junction road near Tiananmen Square in Beijing, Tuesday, June 4, 2024. Checkpoints and rows of police vehicles lined a major road leading to Beijing's Tiananmen Square as China heightened security on the 35th anniversary of a bloody crackdown on pro-democracy protests. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)
武裝警察部隊在北京天安門廣場附近的一個交通路口旁駐守。 (AP Photo/Andy Wong)
A police vehicle is parked near a China national flag waving in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, Monday, June 3, 2024. China has quashed large-scale commemorations of Tuesday's 35th anniversary of Beijing's Tiananmen Square crackdown within its borders. But outside the country, commemorative events have grown increasingly crucial for preserving memories of the 1989 bloodletting, in which government troops opened fire on pro-democracy protesters resulting in hundreds, if not thousands, dead. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)
一輛警車停在北京天安門廣場附近,國旗在風中飄揚。(AP Photo/Andy Wong)