氣炸鍋紫薯芝士撻 Airfryer Purple Sweet

相信唔少朋友都試過買現成流心芝士撻,其實芝士撻唔係太難整, 今次我地就教大家整顏色更吸晴嘅紫薯芝士撻啦

製作時間: 1小時內
份量人數: 5-6人

【撻皮】 Tart Dough
【撻皮】低筋麵粉 Cake Flour 100g 100g
【撻皮】無鹽牛油 Unsalted Butter (室温放軟) 60g
【撻皮】蛋液 Egg 6g
【撻皮】砂糖 Sugar 25g
【紫薯饀】Purple sweet potato cheese filling
【紫薯饀】紫薯蓉 (紫薯蒸熟壓爛) Purple sweet potato paste 100g
【紫薯饀】忌廉芝士 (室温放軟) Cream cheese 40g
【紫薯饀】淡忌廉 Whipping cream 50g
【紫薯饀】砂糖 Sugar 10g
【紫薯饀】粟粉 Corn starch 3g
模具:3吋蛋撻模 Mould: 3 inch egg tart mould

1 :

紫薯去皮切塊 Peel and cut purple potato
2 :

牛油加入糖攪至滑身,加入蛋液拌勻,篩入麵粉拌勻,搓成麵團 Mix butter and sugar together until soft and fluffy, add egg, add sieved cake flour. Mix well to form a dough.
3 :

用保鮮紙包好雪30分鐘至硬身。 Put into the fridge for 30 minutes
4 :

將麵糰分成6等份,壓入撻模,用叉拮小孔, Divided the tart dough into 6 portion, put each dough into the tart mould and start shaping.
5 :

入爐180度15分鐘 取出放涼備用。 Use fork to make some hole on the bottom.
6 :

將紫薯蓉加入糖、淡忌廉、忌廉芝士、粟粉均勻攪拌,然後過篩, Mix purple sweet potato paste, sugar, cream cheese, whipping cream and corn starch together. Mix well and sieve the mixture.
7 :

入唧袋注入撻模,放入雪櫃冷藏1小時。 Put the mixture into the pipping bag, pipe into the tart evenly. Put into the fridge for 1 hour.
8 :

氣炸鍋預熱200度。放撻入爐氣炸5分鐘,取出放涼,然後脫模, 灑上糖霜即可 Pre-heat the Air-fryer to 200c. Air-fry the tart for 5 minutes. Cool down and remove the mould. Sieve icing sugar on top then enjoy yourself.
9 :

- 食譜來源 : https://cook1cook.com/recipe/50852
- 發掘更多美食 : https://cook1cook.com