碗仔翅食譜|足料碗仔翅 Faux shark's fin soup
製作時間: 1小時內
份量人數: 7-8人
去皮雞肉 Chicken meat 120克/g
浸軟素翅Soften faux shark’s fin ½碗/Bowl
竹笙 Bamboo Fungus 5條/pcs
冬菇Shiitake mushroom 3隻/pcs
水或雞湯Water or chicken stock 600毫升/ml
浸冬菇水Water for soaking mushroom 300毫升/ml
蛋液Egg liquid 2湯匙/tbsp
馬蹄粉Water chestnut flour 3湯匙/tbsp
溫水Warm water 4湯匙/tbsp
老抽 Dark soy sauce 少許/Some
麻油 Sesame Oil 適量/To serv
1 :
冬菇用水泡軟,搾乾水份切幼絲,留300毫升浸冬菇水備用 Soak shiitake mushroom until tender. Squeeze dry and shred. Leave 300ml water for soaking mushroom.
2 :
竹笙浸軟, 洗淨後切幼絲備用 Soak bamboo fungus until tender. Rinse and shred.
3 :
雞肉蒸熟,手撕成幼絲備用 Steam chicken meat until cook then shred.
4 :
將水及浸冬菇水煮滾後下冬菇絲 Bring water and water for soaking mushroom to a boil then add shredded mushroom.
5 :
下雞絲及加入老抽調色 Add shredded chicken then add a little bid dark soy sauce to make the soup darker.
6 :
下素翅及竹笙絲煮至再度滾起 Add faux shark’s fin and bamboo fungus then bring to a boil.
7 :
轉慢火,馬蹄粉與溫水拌勻,將一半慢慢加入湯內,邊煮邊攪拌 Turn to low heat. Mix water chestnut flour with warm water. Add half into the soup and stir well.
8 :
再逐些加入餘下的馬蹄粉液攪至適當濃稠度 Add the remained chestnut flour solution until desired texture.
9 :
加入打散的蛋液, 熄火, 再用筷子攪成蛋花 Add egg liquid then turn off heat. Stir with a pair of chopsticks.
10 :
灑上麻油便完成 Serve with sesame oil.
- 食譜來源 : https://cook1cook.com/recipe/53687
- 發掘更多美食 : https://cook1cook.com