美政府一日兩發香港聲明 譴責暴力籲各方克制

美國政府一日之內兩度發表有關香港局勢的聲明,先是美國政府一名高級官員譴責「不合理使用致命武力」,指警察和巿民都有責任令局勢降溫及避免暴力對抗(Hong Kong police and civilians alike have a responsibility to de-escalate and avoid violent confrontations)。其後美國國務院發言人奧特加斯發表〈香港的情況〉(Situation in Hong Kong)聲明,對香港局勢「嚴重關切」,並譴責各方暴力,呼籲香港警方和抗議者保持克制。





The United States is watching the situation in Hong Kong with grave concern.  ‎We condemn violence on all sides, extend our sympathies to victims of violence regardless of their political inclinations, and call for all parties— police and protestors— to exercise restraint.‎  We repeat President Trump’s call for a humane resolution to the protests.

The increased polarization within Hong Kong society underscores the need for a broad-based and sincere dialogue between the government, protestors, and citizenry writ large.  The United States urges the Hong Kong government to build on its dialogue with the Hong Kong public and begin efforts to address the underlying concerns driving the protests. We also urge the protestors to respond to efforts at dialogue.

The United States believes that Hong Kong’s autonomy, its adherence to the rule of law, and its commitment to protecting civil liberties are key to preserving its special status under U.S. law, as well as to the success of “One Country, Two Systems” and Hong Kong’s future stability and prosperity.  We urge Beijing to honor the commitments it made in the Sino-British Joint Declaration, including commitments that Hong Kong will “enjoy a high degree of autonomy” and that the people of Hong Kong will enjoy human rights the freedoms of expression and peaceful assembly— core values that we share with Hong Kong.



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