Photos: Will Smith really did hit Chris Rock at the Oscars
Times Photography Staff
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Just moments after slapping presenter Chris Rock hard on live television, Will Smith found himself in tears as he gave his acceptance speech for winning the Oscar for best actor for his performance in “King Richard.”
It was definitely a what’s-he-going-to-do moment, and Smith lived up to expectations. Before his speech was done, he had indirectly explained himself, apologized to the academy and his fellow nominees and told the academy he hoped he’d be invited back.
“Richard Williams was a fierce defender of his family,” Smith said, seemingly alluding to the altercation, which sprang from his protection of wife Jada Pinkett Smith. Pinkett Smith suffers from alopecia and has begun shaving her head because of it. Her face had fallen after Rock made a “G.I. Jane” joke at her expense, and her husband leapt to her defense.
Rock had also mocked both actors in his 2016 Oscars opening monologue. The Smiths chose to boycott the show that year in protest of the academy’s lack of diversity, which it has since been working to change.
加拿大蒙特利爾連續兩晚爆發反北約和反以色列示威,演變成騷亂,總理杜魯多強烈譴責,但社交媒體上就顯示他在騷亂期間,在多倫多手舞足蹈地欣賞 Taylor Swift 的演唱會,而備受批評。大批反以色列和反北約的蒙面示威者,星期五晚衝擊蒙特利爾市中心北約舉行會議的展覽中心。他們施放紅色的煙霧彈,又用棍棒和鐵通敲打展覽中心的玻璃門,期間曾有記者被示威者阻擋拍攝和驅趕。全身黑衣的示威者,拉起抗議橫額和揮舞巴勒斯坦旗幟,指責北約和以色列同夥,在軍事上屠殺加沙的巴勒斯坦人,在黎巴嫩和敘利亞犯下戰爭罪行,要求加拿大退出北約。有示威者放火焚燒以色列總理內塔尼亞胡的假人,亦有汽車遭放火焚燒,防暴警察施放催淚彈驅散示威者。警方表示,拘捕了3名22至28歲的男女,將控告他們阻礙警察辦公,以及侮辱警員。同樣的街頭示威及騷亂在星期六晚再度出現。杜魯多形容,星期五晚的騷亂不可接受,只是意圖製造混亂。不過,社交媒體上就瘋傳,杜魯多在星期五晚於多倫多欣賞樂壇天后 Taylor Swift 的演唱會時,表現非常熱情,手舞足蹈的片段。有民眾形容杜魯多如同羅馬暴君尼祿一樣跳舞狂歡,而蒙特利爾正在焚城中,完全不懂分緩急輕重。
(法新社巴黎23日電) 法國各大城市今天有數以萬計民眾走上街頭,抗議針對女性的暴力事件,示威活動人士要求從亞維儂市一起震驚社會的集體性侵案中吸取教訓。11月25日為「消除對婦女暴力國際日」(International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women),今天法國各地的示威活動由400多個活動團體發起。