成龍與吳綺莉嘅女兒吳卓林,今年剛滿19歲,今年4月與31歲外籍KOL Andi訂婚,今日佢哋公司IG晒出錫錫相及結婚證書,顯示已於11月8日喺加拿大多倫多結婚,高喊「Love wins」!
「United by love & law ? On our wedding day~ If you never give up on love and you put all your heart into the family youve dreamed of, an open mind and warm heart will guide you to happiness. We have been in the pursuit of happiness the day we were born. Abused as children who never felt love, we have so much to give.We have conquered our fears, accepted our faults, and now we understand that the people who hurt us are hurting still. We have all been hurt but if you can dream of love, you can find it. Love is kind, it does not judge. Love is both strength and weakness. Love can make change.
Love wins!