【商業英語】Printer有問題?你要懂的求救12句(Frankie Chan)

【商業英語】Printer有問題?你要懂的求救12句(Frankie Chan)




A:    Would you mind getting these documents copied for me? 麻煩你幫我影印這些文件好嗎?

B:    Sure. How many copies would you like? 沒問題,你要多少份?

A:    One set of colour and two sets of black and white please. 一份彩色,兩份黑白。

B:    Ill get them right away. 我立即去做。


1. Paper 紙張

A:    Why do we always run out of copy paper? 我們的影印紙怎麼總是用光了?

B:    Because the administrative department has limited on how much we can use. 因為我們行政部門限制了我們的用紙量。

2. Automatic feed 自動進紙

A:    How many pages can the photocopier take for automatic feed? 影印機自動進紙一次可以影印多少張?

B:    50 pages. 50

3. Stapler 釘書機

A:    My stapler is out of staples. 我的釘書機沒有釘書釘了。

B:    Here, take mine. 用我的吧。

4. Binding 釘裝

A:    Would you bind the copies for me? 你能幫我釘裝這些影印文件嗎?

B:    Sure, what kind of binder you would like? 當然可以,你想要哪種釘裝册?

5. Face up/ down 面向上/向下

A:    When you use the auto feed, do you put the originals facing up or down? 用自動進紙時,你的原稿正面向上還是向下?

B:    Facing up. 向上。

6. Paper jam 夾紙

A:    Its so easy to get a paper jam with this photocopier. Its so annoying! 這影印機總是夾紙,真是令人討厭!

B:    The trick is to use thicker paper. 秘訣是要用厚一點的紙張。

7. Paper tray 紙盤

A:    Which one is the recycle paper tray? 哪一個紙盤是放循環紙張的?

B:    Tray 3. But please dont confuse it with Tray 4 for colour paper. 紙盤3,但請不要與紙盤4的顏色紙搞亂。

8. Out of order 故障

A:    The photocopier is out of order. Is there another one I could use? 影印機壞了,還有別的影印機嗎?

B:    Yes, theres one downstairs. 有的,樓下有一部。

9. Ready 待機

A:    Is the printer ready to print? 打印機準備好打印了嗎?

B:    I dont think so. The READY light is not on yet. 我看沒有,待機燈還沒有亮。

10. Scan 掃描

A:    Do you want to copy or scan it into an image? 你想影印還是掃描成圖像?

B:    I just want to copy it. 我只想影印一份。

11. Printer cartridge 打印機

A:    The cartridge needs changing (=needs to be changed). 打印機的芯需要換了。

B:    Can you help us do it? 你能幫我們換嗎?

12. Adding ink 加墨

A:    The colour printer is out of ink. Do you know how to replace the ink cartridges? 彩色打印機沒有墨了。你知道怎麼換墨水匣嗎?

B:      Again?I just replaced them last week. We should really consider getting a laser printer. 又要換?我上星期才換過了。我們真的需要考慮買一部鐳射打印機了。


Frankie Chan

MA in English Language Teaching (Distinction), BSc (First-class honours), TEFL Dip.

現 代教育IELTS/TOEFL/Workplace English資深英語名師,著名TOEFL參考書作者及星島日報IELTS攻略專欄作者。曾任劍橋商業英語考試BULATS寫作及口試考官,並於國際英 語學院Wall Street English任教多年並擔任其多間分校之校長,具15年教學經驗,並擁有豐富管理與發展商業英語及國際英語考試課程之經驗。

Facebook: Frankiechan.English

Email: frankieps.chan@gmail.com

Instagram: frankiepschan