[氣炸鍋食譜]薯片雞翼 Airfryer Recipe Ch


製作時間: 1小時以上
份量人數: 1-2人

薯片Chips 1包 1 pack
[食材雞翼 chicken wings 6隻 6 Wings
[食材面粉 Flours 適量 some
[食材雞蛋 Egg 1隻 1 pc

鹽Salt 1茶匙 1 tsp.
黑胡椒粉Black pepper 1茶匙 1 tsp.
蒜蓉Minced garlic 1湯匙 1 tbsp

1 :

雞翅洗乾淨,兩面劃兩刀,用廚房用紙吸幹水分,備用。wash the wings, cut 2 times at each sides, dry with kitchen paper
2 :

雞翅用鹽、黑胡椒粉和蒜蓉,腌制30分鐘左右。 Marinate with salt, black pepper and garlic for 30 mins.
3 :

將薯片放入密實袋,用搟面杖碾碎,備用。 put chips inside a compact bag, crush with spatula and set aside.
4 :

將腌制好的雞翅均勻裹上面粉後,再蘸滿蛋液,最後滾上薯片碎。 Dip chicken in flour, then in egg mixture, and chips flakes at last.
5 :

200度氣炸12分鐘。 Air fry at 200 C for 12 mins

- 食譜來源 : https://cook1cook.com/recipe/48479
- 發掘更多美食 : https://cook1cook.com