甜品食譜|經典橙汁卷 Orange juice roll
製作時間: 30分鐘內
份量人數: 3-4人
馬蹄粉 Water chestnut flour 50克/g
粘米粉 Rice flour 25克/g
糖 Sugar 35克/g
鮮橙汁 Fresh orange juice 150毫升/ml
濃縮橙汁 Concentrated orange juice 30毫升/ml
熱水 Hot water 100毫升/ml
橙皮 Orange zest 少許/Some
1 :
橙刨皮及榨汁 Zest and juice oranges.
2 :
將約⅓鮮鮮汁拌勻馬蹄粉及粘米粉至溶化 Mix water chestnut flour and rice flour with about ⅓ of the fresh orange juice until dissolved.
3 :
橙皮碎加熱水中細火煲一分鐘 Add orange zest to hot water. Simmer for 1 minute over low heat.
4 :
將餘下的鮮橙汁、濃縮橙汁及糖加入水中,加熱至微微起泡 Add the rest of the fresh orange juice, concentrated orange juice and sugar to the water. Heat until slightly foamy.
5 :
將橙汁加入粉漿之中,拌勻過篩 Pour the orange juice mixture into the flour mixture and stir well. Strain the mixture.
6 :
淺蒸盤掃少許油,平放蒸架上 Brush a shallow steaming dish with a little oil and place it on a steaming rack.
7 :
倒入橙汁漿,隔水蒸3-4分鐘至凝固 Pour the orange juice mixture into the dish and steam over boiling water for 3-4 minutes until set.
8 :
捲起,切段,完成 Roll up the pudding, cut into sections, and serve.
- 食譜來源 : https://cook1cook.com/recipe/54488
- 發掘更多美食 : https://cook1cook.com