

製作時間: 1小時內
份量人數: 3-4人

鱸魚 Seabass 1條(約12両)/1
酸菜 Suancai (pickled mustard head) 適量/As need
辣椒乾 Dried chili 適量/As need
花椒 Sichuan peppercorns 1-2湯匙/tabl
油 Oil 100適升/ml
蔥白 Spring onion (white part) 3棵/pcs
薑 Ginger 6-8片/slice
蒜 Garlic 6-8瓣/clove
金菇 Enoki mushrooms 1-2包/packs
水 Water 約700毫升/ml
芝麻 Seasame 適量/As need
菊花瓣 Chrysanthemum petal 隨意/As need

鹽 Salt 1茶匙/teaspo
蛋白 Egg white 1隻/pc
糖 Sugar 1茶匙/teaspo
胡椒粉 Pepper 適量/Some
紹興酒 Shaoxing wine 1茶匙/teaspo
生粉 Corn starch 1湯匙/tbsp
油 Oil 1湯匙/tbsp

醋 Vinegar 1湯匙/tbsp
糖 Sugar 1茶匙/tsp
鹽 Salt 1茶匙/tsp
胡椒粉 Pepper powder 少許/Some

1 :

酸菜用淡鹽水浸30分鐘 Soak the suancai (pickled mustard head) in light saltwater for 30 minutes.
2 :

切出蔥白 Cut the white parts of the green onions.
3 :

薑切片 Slice the ginger.
4 :

蒜頭拍扁 Flatten the garlic cloves.
5 :

辣椒乾切碎 Chop the dried chili.
6 :

酸菜揸乾後切碎 After squeezing the suancai dry, chop it finely.
7 :

金菇切尾用手拆開 Cut the ends of the enoki mushrooms and separate them by hand.
8 :

鱸魚洗淨印乾內外 Wash the seabass and pat dry both inside and out.
9 :

去頭並切走魚鰭 Remove the head and trim off the fins.
10 :

在魚背落刀,起肉 Make cuts along the back of the fish to remove the flesh.
11 :

魚骨斬成2-3段 Chop the fish bones into 2-3 segments.
12 :

魚肉斜刀切片 Slice the fish flesh diagonally.
13 :
魚肉片用水沖洗2-3分鐘再抹乾 Rinse the fish slices with water for 2-3 minutes and then pat dry.
14 :

先加鹽及蛋白拌勻至黏手 First, add salt and egg white and mix until sticky to the touch.
15 :

下糖、胡椒粉、紹興酒及生粉拌勻 Then add sugar, pepper powder, Shaoxing wine, and cornstarch and mix well.
16 :

最後下油包住,醃15分鐘 Finally, coat with oil and marinate for 15 minutes.
17 :

下油將魚頭及魚骨半煎 Heat oil and half-fry the fish head and bones.
18 :

炸至熟透夾起備用 Fry until cooked through and set aside.
19 :

爆香薑片、蔥白及蒜頭 Fry the ginger slices, green onion whites, and garlic until fragrant.
20 :

煸炒酸菜至釋出酸味 Stir-fry the suancai until it releases its sour taste.
21 :

下金菇、魚頭魚骨後加水及調味料 Add enoki mushrooms, fish head, and bones, then add water and seasoning.
22 :

撈起鑊中部分材料,上盤備用 Remove some of the ingredients from the wok and set them aside on a plate.
23 :

先關火,將魚片分散地放入鑊中 Turn off the heat and spread the fish slices separately in the wok.
24 :

用餘溫將魚片燙熟 Use the residual heat to cook the fish slices.
25 :

撈起上盤 Remove and plate the cooked fish slices.
26 :
燒熱油 Heat the oil.
27 :

下辣椒乾及花椒 Add dried chili and Sichuan peppercorns.
28 :

淋在酸菜魚片之上 Pour over the pickled cabbage and fish slices.
29 :

再灑上芝麻及菊花瓣即成 Sprinkle with sesame seeds and chrysanthemum petals to finish.

- 食譜來源 : https://cook1cook.com/recipe/55536
- 發掘更多美食 : https://cook1cook.com