經貿辦間諜案|前警司任倫敦經貿辦經理 替港機關監視異見者 月初爆入目標人物寓所|Yahoo

Chung Biu Yuen leaves Westminster Magistrates' Court, central London, where he was freed on bail after appearing charged under the National Security Act of assisting a foreign intelligence service in Hong Kong. Chi Leung (Peter) Wai, 38, of Staines-upon-Thames, Matthew Trickett, 37, of Maidenhead, and Chung Biu Yuen, 63, of Hackney, have each been charged with assisting a foreign intelligence service, contrary to section 3(1) and (9) of the National Security Act 2023. They have also each been charged with foreign interference, contrary to section 13(2) and (7) of the National Security Act 2023. Picture date: Monday May 13, 2024. (Photo by Yui Mok/PA Images via Getty Images)
被控觸犯英國國安法的袁松彪獲准保釋後步離法庭。 (Photo by Yui Mok/PA Images via Getty Images)

【Yahoo 新聞報道】香港駐倫敦經貿辦一名行政經理涉嫌違反《英國國安法》,在當地被起訴,他與同案其餘兩名被告今日(13 日)提堂,獲准保釋,但須遵守宵禁令,每星期向警署報到。案情指,三人替香港機關監視居於英國的異見人士,更曾經爆入西約克郡一名目標人物的寓所。


英國警方今日(13 日)起訴三名男子違反國安法,指控他們協助一個香港情報機構及協助外國干預。其中一名被告為 63 歲的香港駐倫敦經貿辦行政經理袁松彪,是香港退休警務人員,曾任職服務質素監察部及交通總部警司,又曾與時任總警司李家超一同修讀公管碩士課程。其餘兩名被告為 38 歲的 Chi Leung (Peter) Wai(衞志樑),及 37 歲的 Matthew Trickett。

三人今日中午在倫敦西敏裁判法院提堂,《Evening Standard》報道,他們身穿灰色囚衣被押上庭,暫時毋須答辯。案情指,三名被告替香港機關在英國進行監視,目標是香港的異見人士。本月 1 日,他們更闖入一名目標人物位於西約克郡 Pontefract 的寓所。

另一被告衞志樑隸屬倫敦市警隊義務警察,在希斯路機場執勤。  (Photo by Yui Mok/PA Images via Getty Images)
另一被告衞志樑隸屬倫敦市警隊義務警察,在希斯路機場執勤。 (Photo by Yui Mok/PA Images via Getty Images)
37 歲被告 Matthew Trickett 獲准保釋後離開法院期間,以雙手掩面。 (Photo by Jonathan Brady/PA Images via Getty Images)
37 歲被告 Matthew Trickett 獲准保釋後離開法院期間,以雙手掩面。 (Photo by Jonathan Brady/PA Images via Getty Images)

法官 Louisa Cieciora 批准三人保釋,案件押後至本月 24 日,移交中央刑事法院處理。保釋條件包括晚十朝五宵禁、每周向警署報到、禁止離境,及向警方提供上網工具的資料。法庭亦下令禁止他們與涉案者名單上的人士聯絡。



英媒的報道則證實了袁松彪涉案。報道並指,另一被告衞志樑是倫敦市警隊的義勇警察,在希斯路機場工作。 Matthew Tricket 則是移民局的執法人員,本身也是私家偵探。

三人被控罪名包括違反《英國國安法》第 3(1)及(9)條,即從事任何行意圖實在地協助一個外國情報機構進行與英國有關的活動;以及違反國安法第 13(2)及(7)條,即從事與外國勢力有關的被禁行為,而罔顧該等受禁行為會構成干預的效果。兩條罪行分別可被判監禁 14 年。

A custody van arrives at Westminster Magistrates' Court, central London, where three men are appearing charged under the National Security Act of assisting a foreign intelligence service in Hong Kong. Chi Leung (Peter) Wai, 38, of Staines-upon-Thames, Matthew Trickett, 37, of Maidenhead, and Chung Biu Yuen, 63, of Hackney, have each been charged with assisting a foreign intelligence service, contrary to section 3(1) and (9) of the National Security Act 2023. They have also each been charged with foreign interference, contrary to section 13(2) and (7) of the National Security Act 2023. Picture date: Monday May 13, 2024. (Photo by Yui Mok/PA Images via Getty Images)
退休警袁松彪等三名被告今午(13 日)由囚車押上西敏寺地方法院。 (Photo by Yui Mok/PA Images via Getty Images)