【行業數據】調查:疫情後七成受訪者對人生成功的定義發生變化 Survey suggests 70% of respondents experienced a change in their definition of life success after the pandemic

經過漫長的疫情後,我們正處於一個充滿變革的時代。根據保誠委託Economist Impact進行了一項亞洲調查報告,探討隨著壽命延長和身心健康挑戰的演變,對人們的願望和成功觀念所發生的變化。調查訪問了亞洲13個市場的5000名受訪者,年齡介於25歲至55歲,涵蓋不同收入階層。報告關注亞洲人在不確定因素增加的情況下,如何評估身心健康、個人財務、社交生活和與社區的互動。





After enduring the lengthy pandemic, we find ourselves in an era of profound change. According to a survey conducted by Prudential plc in collaboration with Economist Impact, the report explores the shifting desires and perspectives on success among individuals as life expectancy increases and challenges to physical and mental well-being evolve. The survey covered 5,000 respondents from 13 Asian markets, ranging in age from 25 to 55, representing various income brackets. The report examines how Asians evaluate their well-being across different aspects, including physical and mental health, personal finances, social life, and community engagement, in the face of increasing uncertainties.

Lilian Ng, Managing Director of Strategic Business Group, Prudential plc, stated, "Research has shown that what matters to Asians has changed. For people in Asia, the covid-19 pandemic appears to have had the effect of making people stop and think about their priorities in life."

The report reveals that 46% of respondents expressed their greatest desire now is to spend more time with their families, with family and health becoming the primary factors contributing to their sense of happiness. Nearly 68% of respondents have seen a change in their definition of life success in recent years, with 43% identifying the pandemic as a key factor prompting a reassessment of priorities. While career success may have been their primary aspiration five years ago, now, spending quality time with family surpasses financial, career, and even personal health aspirations, becoming the determining factor of life satisfaction. The importance of maintaining emotional and mental well-being has also seen an increase, rising from a lower rank five years ago to the second position among priorities.

The report suggests that companies consider implementing family-friendly policies and benefits to allow employees more time to be with and care for their families. Such initiatives not only aid in talent acquisition and retention but also contribute to achieving a better work-life balance.

Asian society is undergoing rapid transformation, and people's values and priorities are continually evolving. We should place importance on family, health, and emotional well-being, while providing better support and safeguards for physical and mental health. This will contribute to building a future that is happier and more fulfilling for all.


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