【行業數據】香港20大最具吸引力企業 Top 20 Most Attractive Employers in Hong Kong



  • Bank of America Merrill Lynch 美國銀行美林證券

  • CLP Power Hong Kong Limited 中華電力有限公司

  • Disneyland 迪士尼樂園

  • Goldman Sachs 高盛

  • HK Electric 香港電燈有限公司

  • Hong Kong Exchange 香港交易所

  • Hong Kong Jockey Club 香港賽馬會

  • Hong Kong Monetary Authority 香港金融管理局

  • HSBC 滙豐銀行

  • IBM

  • J.P. Morgan 摩根大通

  • Kering 開雲集團

  • LVMH

  • Morgan Stanley 摩根士丹利

  • Richemont 歷峰集團

  • Sun Hung Kai Properties 新鴻基地產

  • Swire Coca-cola 太古可口可樂

  • Swire Properties 太古地產

  • Telstra International 澳洲電信

  • The Hong Kong and China Gas Company (Towngas) 香港中華煤氣有限公司


Randstad, the human resources company, has announced this year's The Randstad Employer Brand Research (REBR), revealing the top 20 most attractive companies in Hong Kong. The research was conducted in January 2023 and surveyed 2,750 participants, including employees and job seekers.

The study evaluated the brand awareness and attractiveness of various commercial companies. Survey participants assessed the organisations based on ten drivers of employee value proposition (EVP), including “salary and employee benefits”, “good work-life balance”, and “pleasant work atmosphere”. Here are the Hong Kong’s top 20 most attractive companies in 2023, listed in no particular order:

  • Bank of America Merrill Lynch

  • CLP Power Hong Kong Limited

  • Disneyland

  • Goldman Sachs

  • HK Electric

  • Hong Kong Exchange

  • Hong Kong Jockey Club

  • Hong Kong Monetary Authority

  • HSBC

  • IBM

  • J.P. Morgan

  • Kering

  • LVMH

  • Morgan Stanley

  • Richemont

  • Sun Hung Kai Properties

  • Swire Coca-cola

  • Swire Properties

  • Telstra International

  • The Hong Kong and China Gas Company (Towngas)

Among the top 20 most attractive companies in Hong Kong in 2023, newcomers include Hong Kong Exchange, HSBC, and Telstra International.


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