Policy Address 2023: Patriotic education prioritised for national security in Hong Kong
Chief Executive John Lee has identified patriotic education as a key focus to safeguard national security in his second Policy Address.
A humanities curriculum for primary school pupils will be rolled out in the 2025 to 2026 school year, the city’s leader announced on Wednesday. Citing President Xi Jinping’s message for Hong Kong students in July, Lee said the curriculum serves to strengthen students’ understanding of Chinese culture and history, as well as national security issues.
For teachers, the Education Bureau will conduct regular school inspections to check on the implementation of national education in at least 50 schools every year. Besides study tours to the mainland, in-school enhancement programmes on national security education will also be provided to educators.
In addition, the Constitution and Basic Law Promotion Steering Committee led by Chief Secretary Eric Chan will expand its functions to cover patriotic education and establish a "Patriotic Education Working Group".
A Chinese Culture Promotion Office will be set up under the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. Two museums will also be erected to deepen public knowledge of Chinese culture and history, one of which will focus on the Sino-Japanese War in a bid to cultivate a stronger sense of national esteem and patriotism.