Ubisoft 和 Take-Two 均停止在俄銷售

Riot Games 會拿出遊戲收入捐款用於人道援助。

French videogame giant Ubisoft's Montreal office is seen on July 18, 2020 in Quebec, Canada. - The recent sexual-harassment scandal shaking Ubisoft, the leading French video game publisher and one of the biggest names around the world, is only the tip of the iceberg, the 34-year-old Quebec native longtime female pro-gaming icon, Stephanie
French videogame giant Ubisoft's Montreal office is seen on July 18, 2020 in Quebec, Canada. - The recent sexual-harassment scandal shaking Ubisoft, the leading French video game publisher and one of the biggest names around the world, is only the tip of the iceberg, the 34-year-old Quebec native longtime female pro-gaming icon, Stephanie

停止在俄銷售的遊戲公司又多了兩家,早些時候 UbisoftTake-Two 相繼宣佈了這一決定。Ubisoft 在聲明中表達了對烏克蘭及在地團隊成員的支持,而 Take-Two 在暫停銷售的同時還會在俄羅斯及白俄羅斯兩國停止行銷支援。根據一項俄羅斯的月活躍用戶統計,Take-Two 旗下的《GTA V》是當地在《CS: GO》和《Dota 2》之後第三大受歡迎的遊戲。

與此同時,Riot Games 則宣佈會將即日起至 3 月 12 日間所有來自《英雄聯盟:激鬥峽谷》、《英雄聯盟:聯盟戰棋》等多款遊戲的戰鬥通行證銷售收益,以及《英雄聯盟》中新 Bee 皮膚的收入通通捐助給烏克蘭用於人道援助。此外他們還計劃向無國界醫生、波蘭紅十字會和國際醫療團捐款 100 萬美元。