2022大事回顧|1月|第五波疫情爆發 洪為民派對釀連串政治風波 《眾新聞》停運遣散員工

2022 年即將過去,今年本港爆發第五波疫情,港人面對近 3 年來最嚴峻的挑戰,包括本港醫療壓力及社會經濟。香港以外,俄烏戰火頻仍,多國經濟下行等也是疫症以外的關鍵難題。

《Yahoo 新聞》為你總結和回顧今年各項大小事,縱使艱辛的日子未完全過去,但只要站穩腳步,守護我們仍然相信的價值,香港人仍可以創造更有希望的 2023 年。


A woman walks past a banner announcing the temporary closure of venue in Hong Kongs Causeway Bay area on January 8, 2022, as gyms, bars and evening restaurant dining are closed following the announcement of strict new anti-coronavirus controls after the Omicron variant was detected. (Photo by Bertha WANG / AFP) (Photo by BERTHA WANG/AFP via Getty Images)
今年 1 月,政府曾宣布健身室、運動場地、酒吧等表列場所需要暫時關閉,甚至一度禁晚市堂食以遏止疫情。 (Photo by BERTHA WANG/AFP via Getty Images)

疫情起源於去年底兩名國泰航空空中服務員未跟從防疫守則,掀起第五波疫情序幕,並率先爆發「望月樓群組」、「北角空姐群組」等,先後有多人染疫。直至 1 月 6 日,發生了轟動一時的「洪為民派對事件」,宴會中過百人出席,當中包括多位政府官員及城中名人,其中時任民政事務局局長徐英偉在 1 月 31 日辭職。



【新聞專題:2022 年大事回顧】

一月回顧 / 二月回顧 / 三月回顧

四月回顧 / 五月回顧 / 六月回顧

七月回顧 / 八月回顧

A woman holds up a cage with a hamster named
年初,有寵物店倉鼠曾被驗出對新冠病毒呈陽性,政府曾經撲殺倉鼠,並表示市民可以將倉鼠送到指定中心等候銷毀,事後有市民將家中倉鼠帶到中心。 (Photo by BERTHA WANG/AFP via Getty Images)
HONG KONG, CHINA - JANUARY 20: Volunteers take care of hamsters after stopping an owner from surrendering them to the government outside the New Territories South Animal Management Centre on January 20, 2022 in Hong Kong, China. Hong Kong's pet shop owners have criticized but complied with a government decision to cull hamsters and temporarily ban imports of small animals over possible Covid-19 transmission links to humans. Though no existing literature suggests a link, the territory will proceed with the cull, angering many pet owners and animal rights advocates. (Photo by Louise Delmotte/Getty Images)
有義工專程到指定中心門外守候,勸籲打算交出倉鼠給當局的市民改變主意,或將倉鼠交由他們照顧,避免殺生。 (Photo by Louise Delmotte/Getty Images)

疫情蔓延期間,銅鑼灣寵物店「Little Boss」一名女職員確診,衞生署抽查寵物樣本。發現有 11 隻倉鼠驗出新冠肺炎病毒,亦是全球首次有倉鼠感染。為審慎起見,政府隨即決定「人道處理」全球寵物店共約 2,000 隻倉鼠,亦呼籲全港市民自願交出上年 12 月 22 日或之後購買的倉鼠以人道處理,引發社會兩極回響。

【相關新聞:漁護署人員到 Little Boss 檢取倉鼠 旺角多間寵物店停業

Hong Kong's Chief Executive Carrie Lam holds a press conference as her government announces strict new anti-coronavirus controls in Hong Kong on January 5, 2022. (Photo by Daniel SUEN / AFP) (Photo by DANIEL SUEN/AFP via Getty Images)
1 月 5 日,時任行政長官林鄭月娥收緊疫情防控措施。 (Photo by DANIEL SUEN/AFP via Getty Images)

社交距離措施同時在今年初開始收緊,時任行政長官林鄭月娥在今年 1 月 5 日宣布,由於第五波疫情爆發,在 7 日起關閉多個表列處所,並再次禁止晚市堂食,餐廳在傍晚 6 時至翌日清晨 4 時 59 分只准提供外賣服務、維持四人限聚令等。

【相關新聞:防疫措施 1.7 起收緊 食肆晚 6 朝 5 禁堂食 關閉酒吧派對房間等


《眾新聞》停運 憂觸犯煽動罪

疫情以外,香港多間傳媒機構去年起陸續停運或有高層被捕,其中《立場新聞》在去年 12 月 29 日被警方搜查辦公室,前任總編鍾沛權及署理總編林紹桐被控「串謀發布煽動刊物罪」。事件發生數日後,《眾新聞》在 1 月 4 日起宣布停運及遣散員工。

【相關新聞:網媒《眾新聞》周二起停運 網站不再更新 現已無法瀏覽

HONG KONG, CHINA - 2022/01/03: Citizen News chief editor Daisy Li Yuet-wah (L) and Citizen News founder, ex-president of Hong Kong Journalists Association, Chris Yeung Kin-hing (R) speak during the press conference.
Following a major crackdown of 200 police officers raiding Stand News on January 29, 2021, another independent Hong Kong online news media, Hong Kong citizen news announced it will cease all operations on Sunday, January 2, 2022, citing fears to its fellow journalists under current political environment, another blow to press of freedom to this once semi-autonomous city. (Photo by Alex Chan/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)
《眾新聞》其中兩名創辦人,李月華和楊健興在辦公室門外會見傳媒,表示《眾新聞》須停止運作。 (Photo by Alex Chan/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)

時任主筆楊健興在 1 月 3 日會見傳媒,坦言停運的觸發點是《立場新聞》停運,擔心營運會觸犯法例,因此是無可奈何的決定。

【相關新聞:眾新聞午夜停止運作 主筆楊健興:無可奈何的選擇


【相關新聞:立場新聞及眾新聞停運 特首稱不能與新聞自由直接掛鉤

Stand News chief editor Patrick Lam (2nd L, foreground) is brought to the news outlet's office building in handcuffs after police were deployed to search the premises in Hong Kong's Kwun Tong district on December 29, 2021. (Photo by Daniel SUEN / AFP) (Photo by DANIEL SUEN/AFP via Getty Images)
2021 年 12 月 29 日,警方國安處拘捕《立場新聞》署理總編輯林紹桐,以及多名《立場》董事,指他們涉嫌發布煽動刊物。圖為林紹桐被帶返《立場》所在辦公大樓。 (Photo by DANIEL SUEN/AFP via Getty Images)
HONG KONG, CHINA - DECEMBER 29: Members of media stand outside the offices of Stand News during a raid by police at the independent news outlet on December 29, 2021 in Hong Kong, China. Editors, board members and a pop singer were arrested in early morning sweep as 200 officers raid news outlets office. (Photo by Anthony Kwan/Getty Images)
警方在《立場》搜查行動結束後,《立場》員工陸續返回辦公室,大批記者在辦公室外守候。 (Photo by Anthony Kwan/Getty Images)