【多圖】逃避戰火 15 個月 巴勒斯坦人苦難中重返家園

GAZA CITY, GAZA - JANUARY 27: Tens of thousands of Palestinians, displaced by Israel forces, return their houses through Al-Rashid Street on the coastal strip following the ceasefire agreement in Gaza City, Gaza on January 27, 2025. (Photo by Fadel A. A. Almaghari/Anadolu via Getty Images)
成千上萬巴勒斯坦人今日(27 日)重返加沙北部,人潮浩渺。(Photo by Fadel A. A. Almaghari/Anadolu via Getty Images)

與哈馬斯達成停火協議之後,以色列今日(27 日)准許巴勒斯坦人重返受到戰火蹂躪的加沙地帶北部。逃離家園 15 個月,飽受煎熬的難民帶着既喜且憂的心情,大遷徙式徒步還家。在通往故土的路上,扶老携幼的長長人潮到底象徵着和平的開始?抑或只是無了期以巴衝突的一個短暫喘息空間?

GAZA CITY, GAZA - JANUARY 27: (EDITOR'S NOTE: Image depicts death) Remains of a corpse are seen as tens of thousands of Palestinians, displaced by Israel forces, return their houses through Al-Rashid Street on the coastal strip following the ceasefire agreement in Gaza City, Gaza on January 27, 2025. (Photo by Fadel A. A. Almaghari/Anadolu via Getty Images)
通往加沙北部的路上,可見戰火下無人收拾的骸骨。 (Photo by Fadel A. A. Almaghari/Anadolu via Getty Images)
GAZA CITY, GAZA - JANUARY 27: A man, carrying a Palestinian flag, walks as tens of thousands of Palestinians, displaced by Israel forces, return their houses through Al-Rashid Street on the coastal strip following the ceasefire agreement in Gaza City, Gaza on January 27, 2025. (Photo by Fadel A. A. Almaghari/Anadolu via Getty Images)
一名巴勒斯坦擎着國旗回家,懷着希望重建家園。(Photo by Fadel A. A. Almaghari/Anadolu via Getty Images)
GAZA CITY, GAZA - JANUARY 27: Tens of thousands of Palestinians, displaced by Israel forces, return their houses through Al-Rashid Street on the coastal strip following the ceasefire agreement in Gaza City, Gaza on January 27, 2025. (Photo by Fadel A. A. Almaghari/Anadolu via Getty Images)
巴勒斯坦人終於可以舉家回到自己的地方,經歷十五個月的炮火,故鄉會是怎樣的光景? (Photo by Fadel A. A. Almaghari/Anadolu via Getty Images)
GAZA CITY, GAZA - JANUARY 27: Tens of thousands of Palestinians, displaced by Israel forces, return their houses through Al-Rashid Street on the coastal strip following the ceasefire agreement in Gaza City, Gaza on January 27, 2025. (Photo by Fadel A. A. Almaghari/Anadolu via Getty Images)
通往加沙北部的 Al-Rashid Street,抱着幼兒的母親中途休息,再朝憧憬中的和平日子進發 (Photo by Fadel A. A. Almaghari/Anadolu via Getty Images)
GAZA CITY, GAZA - JANUARY 27: Al-Qassam Brigades members welcome the Palestinians, displaced by Israel forces, returning their houses via Al-Rashid Street on the coastal strip following the ceasefire agreement in Gaza City, Gaza on January 27, 2025. Tens of thousands of Palestinians began returning to northern Gaza as part of the ceasefire deal between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas that came into effect on Jan. 19. (Photo by Fadel A. A. Almaghari/Anadolu via Getty Images)
隸屬哈馬斯的 Al-Qassam 軍隊士兵在路旁歡迎國民回家。 (Photo by Fadel A. A. Almaghari/Anadolu via Getty Images)
GAZA CITY, GAZA - JANUARY 27: Tens of thousands of Palestinians, displaced by Israel forces, return their houses through Al-Rashid Street on the coastal strip following the ceasefire agreement in Gaza City, Gaza on January 27, 2025. (Photo by Stringer/Anadolu via Getty Images)
滿懷希望歸家的人潮,與路旁一片頽垣敗互成強烈對比。 (Photo by Stringer/Anadolu via Getty Images)