日本陸上自衛隊爆罕見訓練意外 7 公斤機關槍天降砸中隊友死亡︱Yahoo

SHIZUOKA, JAPAN - MARCH 15: Hiraki Masashi, Commandor of 1st Amphibious Rapid Deployment Regiment and Michael Nakonieczny Commandor of US Marines 31st MEU (not seen) give a press conference as Japan Ground Self-Defense Force's Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade (JGSDF 1st ARDB) conducts an military drill in Gotemba at the foot of Mt. Fuji, Shizuoka prefecture, Japan on March 15, 2022, during a joint aerial maneuver training with the U.S. Marine Corps' 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit (31st MEU). The aim of the military drill, which run through March 25, is to improve the integrated operational capabilities of the Land, Sea, Air and to engage combat situations on the ground. The Japan Self-Defense Force's amphibious Rapid Deployment which participate to the joint training, was established in March 2018 under the Ground Self-Defense Force. It is based in Sasebo city in Nagasaki Prefecture, and aims to the defense and recapture of Japan islands. (Photo by David Mareuil/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
日本陸上自衛隊(Photo by David Mareuil/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

【Yahoo新聞報道】日本陸上自衛隊昨日(14 日)發生罕見訓練意外,基地當時模擬從直升機降下的「遊騎兵訓練」,期間一名隊員準備經繩索下降,身上背負的 7 公斤機關槍疑因固定的繩索鬆脫而墜落,擊中當時在地面負責安全監察隊員左胸,最終送院搶救不治離世。

綜合日本傳媒報道,昨日下午 6 時 45 分左右,駐紮於群馬縣榛東村的第 12 旅團在松本駐屯地,模擬從直升機降下的「遊騎兵訓練」。訓練中,一名隊員準備從 15 米高的訓練塔透過繩索下降,身上背負的 5.56 毫米機關槍 MINIMI(全長約 1 米、重約 7 公斤)疑因固定的繩索鬆脫而墜落,並擊中當時在地面負責安全監察的第 13 普通科連隊隊員小林真的左胸。

 5.56 毫米機關槍 MINIMI,重約 7 公斤。
5.56 毫米機關槍 MINIMI,重約 7 公斤。

41 歲的小林真隨即被送往松本市內的醫院搶救,但最終不治身亡。事故發生時,訓練場內約有 30 名隊員參與訓練。


陸上自衛隊已成立事故調查委員會,第 12 旅團長前島政樹表示,「在訓練中失去一名無可取代的隊員,讓我們深感痛心。我們將迅速查明事故原因,並全力防止類似事件再次發生。」