砵仔糕食譜|懷舊砵仔糕 Traditional steamed clay bowl rice pudd

砵仔糕是一種傳統粵式糕點,有說始創於台山,現在已經成為香港懷舊小食之一。傳統的砵仔糕是用小瓦砵作模具,後來變成為瓷制的小碗(酒樓碗),現在為方便起見也可用玻璃碗甚至是金屬蛋糕模具。 不少砵仔糕食譜都會加入澄麵、木薯粉等不同粉類以加強口感,不過這個食譜則只用上粘米粉,是最傳統的做法。而增城片糖的蔗糖味特別香濃,非普通片糖可比。如果想做白色的砵仔糕,將糖悉數改用白糖即可。砵仔糕蒸好後斜放,則可以助排走倒汗水,令口感更佳,糕面亦不會因積水而破裂!

製作時間: 1小時以上
份量人數: 7-8人

粘米粉 Rice flour 200克/g
水 Water 640毫升/ml
增城片糖 Zengchen slab sugar 120克/g
冰糖 Rock sugar 50克/g
紅豆 Red bean 適量/As use

1 :

紅豆浸過夜 Soak red beans overnight.
2 :

細火不加蓋煮45分鐘 Cook the red beans over low heat without a lid for 45 minutes.
3 :

熄火加蓋焗30分鐘,瀝乾備用 Off heat, cover and simmer for 30 minutes. Drain and set aside.
4 :

粘米粉與水240毫升水拌勻備用 Mix 240ml of water with rice flour and set aside.
5 :

將砵仔內入蒸籠內蒸2-3鐘 Steam the small bowls in a steamer for 2-3 minutes.
6 :

片糖切大塊 Cut slab sugar into pieces.
7 :

片糖、冰糖放入餘下400毫升水浸泡片刻,細火溶糖及剛滾起 Soak the zengchen slab sugar and rock sugar in the remaining 400ml of water for a while. Then dissolve the sugar over low heat until boiling.
8 :

趁熱把糖水撞入粘米粉水內,一邊攪拌至均勻 While the sugar water is still hot, slowly pour it into the rice flour water mixture while stirring constantly until well combined.
9 :

把紅豆放入砵仔內 Put the cooked red beans into the small bowls.
10 :

注入約粉漿至九成滿,大火蒸25-30分鐘至全熟 Pour the rice flour mixture into the bowls until they are 90% full. Steam over high heat for 25-30 minutes until fully cooked.
11 :

取出缽仔糕,先倒去倒汗水再傾斜擺放,避面有倒汗水積在糕面 Take out the rice cakes and pour out any excess water, then tilt and place them to avoid water accumulating on the surface of the cakes.
12 :

當砵仔糕完全放涼後,用竹籤沿砵仔邊緣輕刺即可脫出 When the rice cakes have completely cooled, use a bamboo skewer to gently prick along the edge of the small bowls to remove them.

- 食譜來源 : https://cook1cook.com/recipe/54472
- 發掘更多美食 : https://cook1cook.com