2024年已經接近尾聲, 今天來為大家盤點一下這一年的十大科學突破。 其中第7個是來自中國科學家的發現, 第9個是我們的老熟人馬斯克帶來的。 首先我們要介紹的是科技突破的冠軍獎項, 來自人類向艾滋病的正式宣戰—— 一種長效艾滋病預防針劑。 一年兩針, 就幾乎能100%阻斷HIV感染。 長久以來, 艾滋病都是一種不可治愈的嚴重傳染病, 一經感染就要終生服藥, 而且仍然可能會因為 藥物的副作用或並發癥 導致死亡。 這是由於艾滋病毒是一種單鏈RNA病毒, 在人體內平均2天就會變異為新生病毒, 這種極高的變異率 也導致艾滋病治療藥物的研發難度極大。 當前最有效的阻斷藥, 需要在高危行為後的2小時內服用, 時間越長 阻斷成功率越低, 還要連吃28天, 對人體肝臟和腎臟產生不小的副作用。 而現在, 美國生物制藥公司吉利德研發出了一種 名為lenacapavir的抗HIV長效注射劑。 研究團隊於今年6月在非洲開展了一項 超過5000人的觀察實驗, 結果發現, 這種藥物注射一次後, 就能在半年內將艾滋病毒的感染力降至0。 如果這種藥物推廣開來, 最大的受益人就是那些 有職業暴露風險的一線人員, 比如醫護人員、緝毒警察等等。 第二項突破同樣來自醫學領域, 針對的是號稱“不死癌癥”的紅斑狼瘡。 準確的說, 是以紅斑狼瘡、類風濕性關節炎、 強直性脊柱炎為代表的 自身免疫性疾病。 所謂“自身免疫性疾病”簡單來說就是“自己打自己”, 本來負責保護身體的免疫系統突然造反, 開始毫無理由地攻擊身體其他器官。 現有的治療方法通常是以抑制免疫系統為主, 雖然抑制了免疫系統的攻擊, 但也同時失去了免疫系統的保護, 人體會產生無可避免的虛弱, 也無法完全治愈這類疾病。 但現在 德國科學家采用了一種名為 嵌合抗原受體T細胞(CAR-T)的新療法, 能夠利用免疫細胞治療自身免疫疾病, 在臨床上使患者達到“治愈”或者“有效控制”的目標。 第三項科技突破來自星辰大海, 2021年NASA發射的韋伯望遠鏡, 今年已經走到了足夠遠的地方, 觀察到了很多宇宙誕生之初的星系。 這些星系比天文學理論預估的要多1000倍, 這一發現改寫了人們對於早期宇宙演化的認知, 對於人類探索宇宙起源有極大的意義。 而第四項科學突破就接地氣多了, 美國公司GreenLight Biosciences 研發出了兩種特殊的“殺蟲劑”, 一種是基於RNA幹擾技術的噴霧劑, 針對特定害蟲的基因進行設計, 能做到只精準打擊目標, 幾乎不損傷環境和其他生物。 另一種則是轉基因玉米, 人吃了沒事, 害蟲吃了就死。 現在,很多害蟲已經對殺蟲劑產生了抗性, 每年在全球範圍內造成數十億美元的農作物損失。 而這種新型殺蟲方法 現在已經被美國國家環境保護局(EPA)批準, 預計將對現狀產生極大改善。 第五項科學突破需要我們睜大眼睛, 將視線投入微觀世界。 就在今年, 科學家發現了一種全新的細胞結構, 叫做硝基體(Nitroplast), 它與我們熟悉的線粒體、葉綠體一樣, 都是細胞中具有特定形態結構和功能的微器官, 學名叫“細胞器”。 細胞器就像是細胞內部的一個個小工廠, 不同工廠負責不同的工作。 打個比方, 線粒體是負責生產能量的“能量工廠”, 葉綠體是轉化能量的“太陽能電池板”, 而硝基體就是一座“轉化工廠”, 負責將空氣中的氮固定下來, 然後轉化為植物生長所需的氨。 在當前已知的生命演化史中, 每一種細胞器的出現 都意味著生命的一次進化, 硝基體這一全新的細胞器的出現, 或許也將影響地球生命演化的方向, 還可能使我們的生活發生翻天覆地的變化。 比如,如果將硝基體的這種“固氮機制”推廣到農業領域, 那麽未來的農作物就可以不再依賴外部的氮肥, 自給自足地生長。 第六項科學突破 來自我們生活中相當熟悉的一個概念——磁。 比如我每到世界各地都會購買的冰箱貼, 貼滿了整整一個大冰箱, 它在物理學上屬於“鐵磁體”, 這種磁體內部的電子自旋整齊劃一, 就像一個排列整齊的隊伍, 隊員們全都指向同一個方向, 因此也就產生了強大的磁場, 這就是鐵磁體能吸住金屬的原因。 另一種能長期保持磁性的材料叫做“反鐵磁體”, 它的電子隊伍不斷自旋, 隊員們指向的方向也是一半向上,一半向下, 結果就是彼此抵消,相互對抗, 對外看起來不具有磁性, 但卻擁有內部磁場。 這種特性使得反鐵磁體常常被應用於 數據存儲、微波器件和量子計算等領域, 比如自旋扭矩振蕩器、二極管等等。 百年以來, 鐵磁體和反鐵磁體都被認為是唯二的兩種永磁體, 就是“能長期保持磁性的材料”。 但在今年, 科學家們發現了第三種永磁體,交錯磁體(Altermagnet)。 這種材料的電子隊伍既不整齊劃一,也不互相抵抗, 而像是一群舞者, 每個舞者都按照自己的節奏來跳舞, 這就使得它產生了一種獨特的強自旋現象。 普通狀態下, 交錯磁體看起來和反鐵磁體一樣沒有外部磁場, 但當電流通過時, 它又像鐵磁體那樣擁有強大的磁場。 科學家們認為,這種全新的材料 能幫助我們制造更高效的計算機硬盤, 甚至是全新的“自旋電子計算機”, 這種計算機能利用電子的自旋 而非電流來進行運算, 能讓信息的存儲和處理更加緊湊和高效。 除此之外, 磁性材料本就是電機行業的核心, 涉及汽車、家電、軌道交通、電子信息設備等多個領域, 交錯磁體的發現 不僅將為已有領域帶來革命性的新應用, 還可能催生全新的技術領域。 第七項來自中國科學家的一項發現, 今年年初, 中國科學院的朱茂炎團隊 在距今約16.4億年前的地層中 發現了一種多細胞真核生物化石。 所謂真核生物是包括所有植物、動物和真菌在內的 將DNA封裝在細胞核內的生物。 科學家們通常認為, 真核生物以單個細胞的形式存在了約10億年, 而在距今大概10億年前, 多細胞體的真核生物開始出現, 這意味著更加覆雜的生物體演化的開始, 也是整個地球的生命進化史中 一個相當重要的時間節點。 而現在, 中國科學家的發現將這個節點往前推了5億年, 這既為地球生命的歷史解開了新的一頁, 也將為醫學領域提供新的可能。 比如現在所有的癌癥, 本質上都是一種細胞失控生長的現象, 而理解生命在早期階段 如何從單細胞生物 發展到多細胞生物, 多細胞之間又是如何協作、如何分化, 也將為科學家開發新型的生物療法提供思路。 第八項是一項地質學研究。 長久以來, 科學家認為地球上的大陸 就像一個巨大而緩慢變化的拼圖, 板塊構造的力量不停撕裂和移動它們, 最終形成了現在的七大洲八大洋。 在過去, 科學家們認為地球只會在局部地區進行 “拼圖”, 也就是只有大陸裂開形成的裂谷附近, 才會受到這種局部的劇烈活動的影響。 但今年的一項研究發現, 這種局部的“拼圖行為”會在地球內部引發綿延不絕的“地幔波”, 進而影響到整個大陸的結構。 這種“地幔波”就像一只無限延伸的大手, 能把重的巖石“撕”掉, 留下輕的巖石, 這些輕巖隨後會像氣球一樣浮起來, 形成高原。 還能引發一系列的其他地質現象, 比如促使大量鉆石從地下爆發, 或者引發地震, 甚至可能是導致某些遠古海洋生物滅絕的元兇。 這項發現看似離我們相當遙遠, 但也可能間接影響到我們的生活, 比如, 當我們更深入地理解地球內部“隱藏世界”的波動時, 地震等地質災害的預警就將會更加準確, 也能更好地尋找鉆石或稀有礦石這樣的地下寶藏, 帶動礦業行業和相關經濟領域。 第九項科學突破則來自我們的老熟人馬斯克, 在今年10月的那次史無前例的“筷子夾火箭”。 其中“火箭”是指SpaceX可覆用的多級火箭“星艦飛船”, 它由兩節或更多節的火箭堆疊組合在一起, 星艦飛船升空時, 位於下方,負責提供動力的那一節火箭會逐漸脫落。 而“筷子”指的則是發射塔上的機械臂, 在脫落的火箭部件以超音速墜落時, 這條機械臂成功從空中抓住了部件, 就像是“用筷子夾住了火箭”。 這個動作本身對火箭飛行控制系統的精度 和懸停能力要求就極高, 略有差池, 就可能導致火箭在發射塔上傾倒或爆炸, 因此“筷子夾火箭”的成功, 本就意味著一次史無前例的技術突破, 而被成功回收的火箭部件下次發射還能繼續用, 這就直接節省了數十億美元的成本。 現在, SpaceX已經通過部分可覆用的火箭 將貨物送入軌道的成本降低了大約10倍, 而如果“筷子夾火箭”技術能夠進一步推廣, 能夠穩定、成功地回收越來越多的火箭部件, 甚至支持一艘完全可重覆使用的星際飛船, 屆時, 馬斯克的火星夢或許就真的離我們不遠了。 最後一項技術突破, 來自對古人類親屬關系的研究。 科學家們通過從古代骨骼和牙齒中提取的DNA, 估測出了幾千年前的人類的遷徙路線、飲食習慣和親緣關系, 甚至為他們建立了長達八代的家譜。 這項技術對歷史考據有著極大意義。 能幫助歷史學家更清晰地了解社會結構文化的演變過程, 同時對古代DNA的研究 也能幫助生物學家更好地理解疾病的起源和演變, 為現代疾病預防的醫學治療策略提供新的線索。 以上就是世界頂刊Science 公布的2024年年度十大科學突破。 我們可以看到, 從醫學到物理學, 從農業殺蟲劑到太空飛船, 從人類起源到宇宙起源, 每一項研究都從不同領域, 以前所未有的創新方法打開了科學之門。 新的一年即將到來, 也期待能有更多的科學突破, 能為我們未來的生活和工作帶來更好的改變。 2025,愛你愛我! 素材 總覽: 長效HIV預防針劑 利用免疫細胞治療自身免 韋伯望遠鏡探測宇宙起源 RNA殺蟲劑 固氮細胞結構的發現 第三種永磁體的發現 多細胞體早在16億年前就已出現 地幔波動塑造了我們生活的大陸 SpaceX“筷子夾火箭” 遠古DNA揭示家族關系 2024 is drawing to a close Let me take stock for you today This year's top ten scientific breakthroughs in The seventh is a discovery by scientists from China. The ninth was brought by our old acquaintance Musk So let's start with this. We're going to introduce the champions of scientific breakthroughs From humanity's official declaration of war on AIDS A long-acting AIDS prevention injection Two injections a year can almost 100% block HIV infection For a long time AIDS Is an incurable serious infectious disease Once infected, take medicine for life And it may still be due to the side effects of the drug Or complications Cause death This is due to HIV is a single-stranded RNA virus. Two days on average in the human body. It will mutate into a nascent virus This extremely high mutation rate Also lead to The development of AIDS drugs is extremely difficult The current most effective blocking drugs It needs to be taken within two hours of high-risk behavior The longer it takes The lower the success rate of blockade 28 days in a row It has significant side effects on the human liver and kidneys Now Gilead, an American biopharmaceutical company. Developed a method called Lenacapavir long-acting injection against HIV The research team announced in June this year In Africa We conducted an observation experiment with more than 5,000 people. It turned out that After one injection of this drug In half a year Reduce HIV infection to zero If this drug were to spread The greatest beneficiary It's those frontline personnel who are at risk of occupational exposure Like healthcare workers, drug cops, etc The second breakthrough also came from the medical field For lupus erythematosus, the so-called immortal cancer Precisely Lupus Erythematosus Rheumatoid Arthritis Ankylosing spondylitis autoimmune disease so-called self immune disease Simply put, it is to beat yourself up It's supposed to protect the body's immune system Sudden rebellion Start attacking other organs of the body for no reason Existing treatment methods Usually suppresses the immune system Although it suppresses the immune system's attack But also lose the protection of the immune system The human body generates inevitable weakness You can't cure it. But now German scientists Adopted a method called Chimeric antigen receptor T cells (CAR-T) The new treatment We can use immune cells to treat autoimmune diseases. In clinical practice Enabling patients to achieve the goal of cure or effective control The third scientific breakthrough comes from the sea of stars The Webb Telescope launched by NASA in 2021 This year has gone far enough Many galaxies from the beginning of the universe have been observed These galaxies 1,000 times more than expected by astronomical theory This discovery Rewrote our understanding of the evolution of the early universe It is of great significance for humans to explore the origin of the universe And the fourth scientific breakthrough is much more grounded American company GreenLight Biosciences Two special pesticides have been developed One is a spray based on RNA interference technology Genetic design for specific pests Can only accurately hit the target Little damage to the environment and other organisms The other is genetically modified corn. It's okay to eat Pests eat and die Now. Many pests have developed resistance to pesticides Every year on a global scale Cause billions of dollars in crop damage And this new insecticidal method It's now approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. It is expected to greatly improve the current situation The fifth scientific breakthrough We need to keep our eyes open. Put your eyes on the microscopic world Just this year. Scientists have discovered a completely new cellular structure It's called nitro. It is similar to the familiar mitochondria Chloroplast Have a specific shape in the cell Structural and functional microorgans Organelles. organelle They're like little factories inside cells. Different factories are responsible for different tasks For example Mitochondria are energy factories that produce energy. Chloroplasts are solar panels that convert energy. And nitro is a conversion factory. Then the nitrogen in the air is fixed Then it is converted into ammonia needed for plant growth In the current known evolutionary history of life The appearance of each organelle Means an evolution of life Emergence of a new organelle called nitrosomes It may also affect the direction in which life on Earth evolves It may also make our lives better earth-shaking changes For example, if this nitrogen fixation mechanism of nitro matter is Extend to agriculture So future crops You can no longer rely on external nitrogen fertilizers Self-sufficient growth The sixth scientific breakthrough It comes from a concept that we're all pretty familiar with. magnetic For a hundred years Ferromagnets and Antiferromagnets Both are considered to be the only two permanent magnet It is a material that can remain magnetic for a long time But this year Scientists have discovered a third type of permanent magnet It's called a staggered magnet. Scientists believe that This brand new material Can help us make more efficient computer hard drives Even brand new "spintronic computers" This kind of computer can use the electron's spin Instead of current to operate Allows for the storage and processing of information More compact and efficient In addition to that Magnetic materials are the core of the motor industry Involving automobiles, home appliances, and rail transit electronic communications Information equipment and other fields The Discovery of Jiaozuo Magnets Not only will it be for existing fields Bring revolutionary new applications It may also give rise to entirely new technological fields Item 7 It is a discovery made by our Chinese scientists. Early this year Zhu Maoyan Team of Chinese Academy of Sciences About 1.64 billion years ago A fossil multicellular eukaryote has been discovered So-called eukaryotes It includes all plants, animals and fungi Encapsulates DNA in the nucleus Biologists generally believe that Eukaryotes take the form of single cells For about 1 billion years About 1 billion years ago Multicellular eukaryotes began to emerge This means that The beginning of the evolution of more complex organisms In the evolutionary history of life on Earth A rather significant point in time And now Chinese scientists have discovered Pushed the node forward 500 million years This is the history of life on Earth Unlocked a new page It will also open up new possibilities for the medical field Like all cancers today. It's essentially an uncontrolled growth of cells. And understanding life at an early stage How to develop from a single-celled organism to a multicellular organism How do they cooperate and how do they differentiate? New biological therapies will also be developed for scientists Provide ideas The eighth item is a geological study For a long time Scientists believe that The continents of the earth It's like a big, slowly changing puzzle. The forces of plate tectonics are constantly tearing and moving them Eventually formed what is now the seven continents and eight oceans In the past, scientists believed that The Earth will only be puzzled in local areas That is, near the rift valley formed by the splitting of the continents To be affected by this localized intense activity But a study this year found that This partial "puzzle behavior" Will cause continuous "mantle waves" inside the earth And that in turn affects the structure of entire continents This "mantle wave" is like a huge hand that extends infinitely Can tear off heavy rocks Leaving light rocks behind These light rocks will then float up like balloons Form a plateau It can also trigger a series of other geological phenomena For example, causing a large number of diamonds to explode from the ground Or cause an earthquake Maybe even Is responsible for the extinction of some ancient marine life This discovery seems rather distant But it can also affect our lives indirectly For example, when we understand more deeply When the fluctuations of the hidden world inside the earth Earthquakes and other geological disasters It will be more accurate It can also better search for diamonds or rare minerals Such an underground treasure Drive the mining industry and related economic sectors The ninth scientific breakthrough From our old acquaintance Musk in October this year Unprecedented "Chopsticks Clip Rocket" Among them, rockets Refers to SpaceX's reusable multi-stage rocket starship spacecraft It's a stack of rockets with two or more knots. Put together When the starship takes off The section below that provides power The rocket will gradually fall off And "chopsticks" refers to the robotic arm on the launch tower When the falling rocket parts fall at supersonic speeds This robotic arm? Successfully grabbed the part from the air It's like clipping a rocket with "chopsticks" The action itself The accuracy of the rocket flight control system And hover ability It's incredibly demanding. Slight difference pool Could cause the rocket to fall on the launch tower Or explode therefore The success of chopsticks clipping rockets It would have meant an unprecedented technological breakthrough Rocket parts that were successfully recovered Can continue to be used in the next launch This has directly saved billions of dollars in costs Now SpaceX has passed through a partially reusable rocket The cost of putting cargo into orbit Reduced by about 10 times And if "Chopsticks" clip rocket technology can be further promoted Can be stable Successfully recovering more and more rocket parts even Support for a fully reusable starship Musk's dream of Mars Maybe it's really not far from us The last technological breakthrough From the study of ancient human kinship Scientists DNA extracted from ancient bones and teeth Estimated human migration routes thousands of years ago Eating habits and kinship They even have an eight-generation family tree. This technology has tremendous implications for the study of history Can help historians A clearer understanding of social structure The process of cultural evolution And the study of ancient DNA It also helps biologists. To better understand the origin and evolution of diseases Medical treatment strategies for modern disease prevention Provide new clues This is the world's top science magazine The top 10 scientific breakthroughs announced for 2024 We can see From medicine to physics From agricultural pesticides to spaceships From the Origin of Man to the Origin of the Universe Each study is conducted from a different field In an unprecedented and innovative way Open the door to science The new year is coming I'm looking forward to more scientific breakthroughs. For our future life and work Bring about better change 2025 Love Me 中文報道 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzI3NDY3NzQ2Mg==&mid=2247521683&idx=1&sn=67d47a82f96c03c94907175bec80d921&scene=21#wechat_redirect science官網 https://www.science.org/content/article/breakthrough-2024#section_car-t-therapy 硝基體 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/o9oKkdKbY8oBMhT1vcAnow 永磁體 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/19nxHlSdEicos7MpI9Ig7g